How do you clean caulk around windows?

by Nancy

New construction use caulk to seal around windows and tile where it touches the walls ( instead of trim). When you have dogs the caulk looks dirty and attracts dog hair. How do you clean this caulk?

  4 answers
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Sep 09, 2018

    Nancy, it sounds like the caulking was used properly. Trim won't create a waterproof barrier by itself, so caulking is required at the edges where moisture could be present. That being said, some types of caulk are paintable. I would use some basic soapy water and a microfiber cloth to wipe it down. If it is paintable caulk, then paint it to match your wall.

  • Jeremy Hoffpauir Jeremy Hoffpauir on Sep 09, 2018

    Caulk that has not completely cured leaves a sticky film that attracts dust and pet hair. Wipe the area with isopropyl alcohol to remove oily residue due to uncured silicone.

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Sep 09, 2018

    Nancy Hello,. You can clean the caulk with some vinegar on a rag. Press lightly and clean it. If that don't work use hydrogen peroxide. The best thing to us Is 409 cleaner. When your in the store, read the labels and see if you can clean caulk with it. Also Google "How to clean caulk". Aloha!