Why do my pepper plants wilt by the end of the day?

Rose Robinson
by Rose Robinson
My pepper plants look good each morning. They look healthy, have peppers on them, have plenty of water , but by the end of each day they look wilted.They always recover over night. What is going on?

  6 answers
  • Molly Anmar Molly Anmar on Jul 08, 2017

    This is a normal response to stress, friend. Peppers may temporarily wilt in extremely hot temperatures, typically above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Inadequate water can also lead to wilting. Peppers have a shallow root system that requires a total of 1 inch of water per week, particularly during flowering and fruit set. Pepper plants may also appear wilted if they are not given the proper support for growth. Peppers have thin stems and stalks that can droop and wilt once fruit has set. Provide stakes in the ground near each plant and tie the stems and stalks to the stake once fruit sets to prevent drooping.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 08, 2017

    Need water?

  • It is 110° here, I water at 6 am every morning and they all get an evening spritz to freshen them up. If I do not give them the evening spritz, they will dry up and die here - very dry climate, single digit humidity. Mine go semi dormant this time of year and will start producing again in the fall when temps start cooling off at night some.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 08, 2017

    Maybe the sun is too intense later in the day. Maybe put a couple bent hoops over them and drape some cheese cloth to shade them a bit.

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Jul 08, 2017

    I'm in Va and my pepper plants look droopy and sad by the end of the day, especially with the 90+ heat we are having. I slow drip them every morning for about 15-20 mins each. They still droop a little by the end of the day, but not as much. though they are producing peppers. Last years crop was a fail, but so far so good this year. I would not water them in the evening.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 08, 2017

    too much low humidity or hot sunshine