Best surface for installing an above-ground pool?

Diane Lloyd
by Diane Lloyd
I have a new 12' by 30" metal frame above ground pool with pump, filter, and skimmer that I purchased one day when it was unbearably hot and I was vulnerable! I want a place to cool off SO badly. My property is gently sloping, nothing truly level but some areas are very close. What's the best setup for an above ground pool? Could I hook up the pump to run on solar?

  8 answers
  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Jul 30, 2017

    Choose the area you want it in. The slopes will have to be dug out so they are the level of the lowest part of the ground that the pool will set in. It's a lot of digging in some areas. My son put in a huge above-ground pool and had to have a bobcat come in and dig out the hill and level it all.

    • Diane Lloyd Diane Lloyd on Jul 30, 2017

      The good news is that my husband has a backhoe and a tractor with a blade. Now to talk him into it. Thank you for taking the time to post an answer!

  • Shirley Heikkinen Shirley Heikkinen on Jul 30, 2017

    Sand is the best foundation for an above ground pool. If the ground isn't level you will in time have problems as the water is a natural level. If you want your pool to last more than one season you'll want to prepare the area correctly by digging out the grass, putting down a good base of sand and leveling it. I'm sure you will find instructions on line for preparing the area for an above ground pool.

  • Gary B Gary B on Jul 30, 2017

    Most pool manufacturers recommend 3or4 inches of sand under them after you level first

  • Vicky Davis Vicky Davis on Jul 30, 2017

    Leveling the slope would probably be the least expensive way too.

  • 13526476 13526476 on Jul 30, 2017

    Our property is pretty much even, but my husband had enough sand dropped to give at least a 6-inch base above ground. After using the laser level, there was an area that had to be raised approximately 8 inches to provide a stable base. The sand base was applied on top of the ground; not dug out. I should mention that he placed a ground cloth under the sand on the ground before starting to lay the base. He chose the depth of sand to prevent gophers/chipmunks from tunneling through (which we've experienced before) and undermining the sand. He built the sand base to extend beyond the pool by 12 inches all around, and built a collar to contain the sand. Once the sand was packed down, he cut another ground cloth to match the pool's width, and placed it down before placing the pool. Proper preparation will save you from having stones, gophers, etc., ruin your pool liner!

  • Diane Lloyd Diane Lloyd on Jul 30, 2017

    Thanks, Gary! I'll keep that quantity in mind.

  • Diane Lloyd Diane Lloyd on Jul 30, 2017

    True. I'm all about saving money!

  • Diane Lloyd Diane Lloyd on Jul 30, 2017

    All excellent advice! Especially nice to hear from someone who has done it already! Thank you, PJWise123.