How to fix cracks and missing rocks in rockwall retaining walls

Linda Wilson
by Linda Wilson
I have rock retaining walls, some are holding up my front yard and some on the side are keeping my neighbors yards from caving down on me.

  3 answers
  • Winnie Winnie on Jul 12, 2017

    Sounds like you'll need a professional for this one. There's all kinds of new adhesives and fillers and sealants to help keep it all together but for it to last you really need somebody skilled. Sounds like a pretty important retaining wall, it'd be worth getting a quote from a landscaper skilled in such.

  • Castrang17 Castrang17 on Jul 12, 2017

    Just my opinion, I would call a professional for information and costs, as your retaining walls may need to be reworked and redone, the landscape may be moving and could collapse. Better safe than sorry.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 12, 2017

    Here are some videos by a stone mason on how he repairs stone walls...