Is there a way to make my tub less slippery?

Cori Widen
by Cori Widen
It feels like no bath mat works well, and I'm particularly concerned about my kids slipping. Are there any methods for what I think is a porcelain tub?
  5 answers
  • Haysha S. Haysha S. on Dec 15, 2016

    What are your feelings on a silicone mat? We have one with suction cups on the bottom that does the job perfectly.

  • Shawna Bailey Shawna Bailey on Dec 15, 2016

    There a special stickers you can put on the floor of the tub that they sell at any hardware store.

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Dec 15, 2016

    In the interim, you can put a towel in the bottom. It helps a lot.

    I found that decorator mats often do not stick well, and have big, thick and fewer suction cups that slide. Rubber works better than PVC/vinyl, but doesn't last more than a couple of years, if you just leave it in the tub. The Rubbermaid ones seem to still look the same with more suction cups, although I haven't bought one in years. This looks like a similar one that would stick.

    Always make sure to use just a little water, stick it well and evenly, then fill the tub. I always take mine off and dry it upside down over a towel rack. Good luck!

  • William William on Dec 15, 2016

    I use bathtub antislip stickers. They come in all kinds of colors, patterns, and designs. Don't like bath mats, cause they need to be removed and dried out or they get moldy. Target, Bed Bath and Beyond have lovely ones the kids will love.

    • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Dec 15, 2016

      Yes, that's exactly what I hate about mats! Stickers are a good idea...

  • Cristine Meixner Cristine Meixner on Dec 16, 2016

    I hit on the answer to this when one of my tenants moved out and left the bottom of the bathtub BLACK! I kid you not ... BLACK! She told me it was my fault because it was a used tub. Duh. When you rent I am not going to put in a new tub every time new tenants move in. The cast iron enamel tub was brand new 10 years before. I tried everything to get it clean. Comet worked best, but after scrubbing an hour a day after work for a week and it was still not clean enough to suit me I visited a clean freak friend who owns a motel. I figured if anyone had really heavy duty tub stuff she would, and she did. Hydrochloric acid. I put about 2-3 inches of water in the tub, added maybe a couple of cups of the acid (I did not measure) and viola, no more dirt! Emptied it out, rinsed it to death and discovered the bottom was now slightly rough. Since then my husband and I have downsized and now live in that apartment. I am so glad the tub is not slippery, as he is elderly and I am getting there! Plus, I later discovered that whole family has toe fungus (ugh ugh ugh)! I guess we know why. I am so thankful I used the acid because no fungus could have survived that!