Garage door bottom- any ideas?

by Dee
When CLOSED - My garage door has a GAP on bottom of door to driveway. This is because the concrete driveway and garage floor concrete has sagged in. Think of a toothless smile ;-). I cannot find anything to close the is like a curved bottom under straight garage door. I cannot find any rubber bottom seal or weather stripping that would be WIDE or DEEP enough to seal the GAP. I have tried to use kid's pool noodles - but it is pretty tacky and falls off unless I duct tape it - even more tacky. Any ideas? BLACK color would be best

  5 answers
  • Kba27697237 Kba27697237 on Oct 31, 2017

    Solutions catalog sell thick black garage door seal that is glued to the floor - it is installed to meet the door sweep and seal imperfections.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Oct 31, 2017

    Wow, Dee, that sounds really bad. If the house is still under warranty, I would try to have the sag repaired. Otherwise, I can only thing I can think of is fixing the SAG, not the door. I don't know how large the GAP is, but there are a number of concrete products that are available, including a surfacing mix that is really smooth once its dry. If that is too much work, maybe you'll have to hire someone. Best of luck! : )

  • Kim Kim on Oct 31, 2017

    Wait! Have you already taken care of the reason for the sagging? You need to address the reason for the sagging before it destroys the structural integrity of your home.

    As for black rubber skirting, I’ve seen it up to 4” wide on a 16’ roll online.

    Grainger has 6”W x 10’ long rubber as well.


  • Sharon Sharon on Oct 31, 2017

    Without a picture to see what the problem is, if it is the apron in front of the door thats sinking possible cause of roots under the slab, I would have a concrete guy come give me an estimate, sometimes its jacking up the slab and putting gravel underneath to re-level the slab.

  • Smh13856668 Smh13856668 on Oct 31, 2017

    I just love my garage door bump that I installed just before it got cold. One side of the lip of this rubber seal goes inside and the garage door bumps up against it to seal out water and critters, provided your seal on the DOOR is intact and has not been eaten thru. This is sold in a flat box and shows how to do it using the caulk they include with the rubber. You roll it out flat and allow the weight of the garage door to straighten it out so it won't roll up. The next day I put it down temporarily in the place I want it to be and lower the garage door down on it, then kick it with your toe for correct placement and when satisfactory, use lead pencil to outline its position straight across both sides of the rubber (inside and outside). Squeeze caulk just inside each line the length of the rubber and then caulk the floor between those lines in a zigzag fashion as shown on box. Place the rubber back into position, walk on it to adhere to the floor and adjust it to where you want it to lay between the lines and lower garage door overnight after you do your final adjustment. I love my new garage floor lip and it even keeps leaves from coming into the garage. I am an 80-year-old woman and it wasn't easy to squeeze the caulk gun because of arthritis in hands so would suggest those with willing male help cook them dinner to get the job done easier! Also, be sure to use a kneeler for those with bony knees!!