Asked on Oct 15, 2016

Any fall or Christmas ivy DIY ideas?

by 4554290

Hello everyone.

We have this ivy in our yard that grows like crazy. I have to cut it back every year (sometimes twice) so it doesn't take over the entire pool area.

Do any of you have some fantastic suggestions for Fall or Christmas ivy decorations? I'm also curious about preserving it for future use. I would love to be able to use the ivy for crafts instead of just throwing it away.

Thanks in advance. Colleen :)

Fall and Christmas Ivy Crafts
  13 answers
  • Snapoutofit Snapoutofit on Oct 15, 2016
    I am guessing that this is the hardy fast-growing English ivy. You can use it in swags or floral arrangements. if you tear out the ivy now but still not ready to use it, you can preserve it in a moist poleythylene bag and store in fridgerator. There are steps to follow first and here is the link:
  • Ellis Ellis on Oct 15, 2016
    It's difficult to tell without a close-up of the leaves, but does this ivy turn red in fall, and drop leaves? If so, it might be either Boston Ivy (parthenocissus tricuspidata) or Virginia Creeper (parthenocissus quinquefolia). Check a garden website's photos to be sure. Both are vigorous growers, and can be quite invasive, to say the least. But that gorgeous fall color is priceless.
  • 4554290 4554290 on Oct 16, 2016
    Thanks so much. I'm thinking maybe topiaries for my urns for the front porch. Will check out that website.
  • Sophia,M.,McConnery Sophia,M.,McConnery on Oct 16, 2016
    You are asking how to preserve the cuttings?Just let them dry out and spray liquid plastic on them.Then you can use them for anything,any time of year,and they are easy to clean!
  • Ese8934807 Ese8934807 on Oct 16, 2016
    You can do what I did I let some dry out and frame it, I love taking plants from my flower garden an frame them, I also have a lot of ivy get some flower pots any size an sell it , do you know the price of ivy plants in stores, money made.
  • Ag Castor Ag Castor on Oct 16, 2016
    If you do all these things you'll need a couple of refrigerators to store it, LOL. How about calling some local charities or houses of worship or Scout groups to come and harvest as much as they want for their holiday wreath sales? Win all around-- you get your ivy trimmed, they get free materials, and everybody's happy. As to having too much of it, consider identifying the main trunks growing where you want them, and clip-and-dip the others to kill them. Or cover them with landscaper's cloth so they cant grow out anymore.
    • Ann Smitt Ann Smitt on Oct 18, 2016
      Ag Castor that is a wonderful idea. Check with your local schools also, many have garden clubs.
  • Carolyn Donegan Medaris Carolyn Donegan Medaris on Oct 16, 2016
    I once had the same problem then I hung 2 grapevine wreaths in the ivy and as it grew I wrapped it around the wreaths. At Christmas I simply cut the vine holding the wreaths and I had 2 ivy wreaths to hang on the front doors.
  • Jeannine Jeannine on Oct 19, 2016
    I lay Christmas lights all over my ivy and it looks great for the4th of July ,Halloween, Christmas or birthdays
  • Flo Flo on Oct 22, 2016
    I weave baskets out of ivy, it is a beautiful material to work with. You can leave some small leaves on for a more rustic look. I didn't treat them with anything, as long as the ivy is dry to begin with they will last years. (3 and counting) So I guess you could make lots of nice storage boxes or something that would be used/given/swapped etc. Weaving it is actually remarkably easy once you get the hang of it, and very relaxing
  • Christy Roppel Christy Roppel on Oct 23, 2016
    Use a coat hanger as a frame (rounded out with a stake- put in a planter box) and make topiaries....put white lights and a red bow for Christmas!
  • 4554290 4554290 on Oct 23, 2016
    Thanks for all the wonderful answers. I read the advice, looked up some You Tube videos, searched Hometalk for some ideas and made this Christmas tree. I have to add a little more grapevine to the top, otherwise, I'm very pleased with the end result and would like to make a few more and put in urns outside by the front door. It's relatively inexpensive - just a tomato cage, florist's wire and a Dollar Store star. Now, if only my carpal tunnel would cooperate! Slow but sure wins the race. Thank you all once again for sharing your wisdom.
  • Dustin Dustin on Oct 04, 2023

    Hi, I found these great projects on Hometalk that can be achieved using the ivy in your yard.

    You could add some colorful lights so they become beautiful Christmas ivy decorations!

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Oct 04, 2023

    Take a look here for a fall ivy decoration: