How to Make Christmas Decor Out of Tealights & Book Pages

2 Materials
30 Minutes

The project from today is very small and cute. I made DIY Christmas ornaments out of materials that otherwise would go in the trash. We're making DIY book page Christmas ornaments set in empty tealight containers.

So, when your candles run out, here's something you can make with them!

DIY book page Christmas ornaments

Tools and materials:

  • Empty tealights
  • Knife
  • Book pages
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Hot glue
Removing wax from the tealights

1. Remove the wax

Remove the leftover wax with a knife.

Tracing around the tealights

2. Cut the book pages

Cut two circles out of old book pages. Trace around the tealights to get the right shapes.

Cutting the book pages

Cut the circle bigger than the container so you can bend it in the edges and have enough room to glue it to the container.

Cutting a long piece of paper to go around the tealight

Also, cut a long piece of paper to glue around the tealight.

Paper pieces for the tealight

It does not have to be to perfect. We can trim it in the end.👌

Cutting snips around the circle

3. Cut snips around the circle

Cut a few snips around the paper circle to make it easier to fold it and adapt it to the can.

Gluing the paper to the tealight

4. Glue the paper to the tealight

Glue the paper pieces into the containers with hot glue.

Applying hot glue

Gluing the paper around the sides

Trimming the excess paper

Trim excess paper if necessary.

DIY tealight covered in paper

Wrapping thread around the ornament

4. Wrap thread around the tealight

Wrap thread around the tealight a couple of times and leave a middle-size thread to hang later.

Decorating the ornaments

5. Decorate

Decorate the ornament with angel faces, old buttons, star anise, or anything else you have to hand.

DIY book page Christmas ornaments with angels

DIY book page Christmas ornaments on a wreath

You can use these ornaments on wreaths.

DIY tealight Christmas ornaments

DIY book page Christmas ornament with star anise

They could also make cute little gift ideas. Your creativity doesn‘t have a limit. I am looking forward to hearing more ideas from you in the comments below. 🥰

DIY Christmas ornament

DIY Christmas ornament ideas

Looking forward to your feedback ✨😘🥰

Happy day to you.


DIY Christmas Decorations

Suggested materials:
  • Teelight candel containers, old book papers, old buttons, angel faces   (at my store and at home)
  • Teelight candel containers, old book papers, old buttons, angel faces   (at my store and at home)
  • Teelight candel containers, old book papers, old buttons, angel faces   (at my store and at home)
See all materials
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  • Cut21425853 Cut21425853 on Dec 04, 2022

    Why did you not take the tea lights out of the tins before burning them?

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