Cork Pumpkins

by B
Making Fall cork pumpkins- so easy Preview
I have been on a mission to use leftover corks for projects. I found the idea of Fall cork pumpkins on Pinterest.
For smaller pumpkins I use four corks for the base. I stacked the corks four on the bottom, five on the next row, then six on the next row, five on the next row and the last row has four. I used hot glue to attach them together.
I coated school glue on sisal twine and wrapped it around a pencil to make a coil for the stem. It dries quickly and can be stretched to the desired tension you prefer.
I sketched out a leaf pattern on boiled wool and cut it out for the pumpkin top.
The pumpkin after stacking, hot gluing and adding the stem and leaves.
To make a stem, I cut a cork in half and hot glued it to the top of the pumpkin.
You can paint the cork ends with acrylic paint or leave them natural.
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4 of 18 comments
  • Vicki Gillette Vicki Gillette on Sep 27, 2015
    Thanks for the inspiration! Splotchy painted some with orange paint & gold glitter sprayed on after - and some left natural. They were fun!
    comment photo
    • B B on Sep 28, 2015
      @Vicki Gillette These are so cute! I love the curly wire! I'm going to try that with mine. I left a few natural too and really love them. You did a great job! Thank you for sharing your ideas with me! P.S. I tied to Pin your pumpkins on Pinterest, but they showed up as mine. I wanted to share the way you made yours.
  • Both sets are awesome! I like how they are more "Autumn" and not strictly Halloween ... will most definitely be making up some. Thanks for sharing!
    • B B on Nov 07, 2015
      @Cynthia - Clockworkinteriors Thank you!