Easy to Make a Marimekko Bench Using Paper Napkins

4 Materials
4 Hours
You can easily transform an old garden bench and give it that designer look using paper napkins. One of my favourite designers is Marimekko so I used some of their paper napkins to upcycle an old garden bench.
All you need is an Old Bench Paint Sander Paper Napkins of your choice PVA (White Glue) Glue and Paint Brushes Crystal Clear outdoor or yacht varnish.
Prepare your bench by sanding it and then painting. I used white paint as the flowers on my paper napkin where on a white background.
Once painted you can start covering your bench in napkins. Only use the top ply of your napkins. Tear out the flowers and then stick them to the Bench one at a time. You will need to put the glue onto the bench and place the flowers on top as the napkins will be too delicate to be brushed with glue.
When sticking the flowers down I lightly brush them on the top with a dry brush. As the paper napkins are so thin you can see the wood grain coming through so they actually look as if they are painted on. More details can be on my blog.
Once the whole bench is covered with paper napkins and dry. Cover with at least 2 coats of varnish. If you use a good outdoor or yacht varnish your Bench should be protected from the elements. Make sure you use a crystal clear varnish though so as not to spoil the colours. You can use any paper napkin design you like but just remember to match your bench paint to your napkins.
You can see how I made the herb garden window by clicking here. I have also Marimekko'd my stairs which is probably my most awesome transformation ever !! click here to see them.
Suggested materials:
  • Old Bench
  • Marimekko Paper Napkins
  • Mod Podge
See all materials
Claire at Pillarboxblue
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • TerriT TerriT on May 11, 2018

    Your idea and your bench look amazing! Brilliant idea! Thank you for sharing!!!

  • Ella Frierson Bond Ella Frierson Bond on May 21, 2018

    Your bench is beautiful I have never Marimekko'd but, I deopage on everthing. I collect napkins, tissue wrapping paper and ever use my printer to print photos on white tissue paper. I do trays, baskkets, lamp shades, furniture and electric switch plates. Any thing that sits still. One of my favorite things to do for guys I know (birthdays, etc.) is to use photos of them (I got on Facebook) and make a set of 4 stone coasters. I printed the photos on tissue. Here is a set I did, the color is washed out in this photo. Also, a lamp shade.

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