Simple Festive Thanksgiving Tablescape

by Giustina
I couldn't wait any longer to share with you all how we created a Simple Festive Thanksgiving Tablescape last year for under $10!
I have been waiting almost a whole year to share this post with you all!

I considered sharing our Thanksgiving tablescape with you right after Thanksgiving last year, but I figured it would only make sense to wait until fall rolled around again.

Can you believe I was able to wait this long?
Last Thanksgiving I helped my mom create this Simple Festive Thanksgiving Tablescape for less than $10!

We used decor that she already had such as old books, candles, mini clear glass vases, & faux fall leaves.

Each tablecloth was topped with mailing paper from the Dollar Tree & crayons (from our childhood craft collection) so that our guests could write & draw what they were thankful for on the table.
We even used an old piece of barn wood, that was left over from my wedding, to run down the center of the middle table.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we had 3 tables!

My sister brought a bunch of friends from college to join us last year.

So instead of having Thanksgiving dinner in the dining room we rearranged the living room & created an extra long table out of 3 tables.
My father & I have a special tradition that we’ve had since I was a child. Every Thanksgiving morning we....

You can read the rest of my blog post by clicking the link below.
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 7 comments
  • Judith Judith on Oct 29, 2015
    I agree, absolutely gorgeous!!! Beautifully executed. I put up a Fall tree this year too : )
  • Judith Judith on Oct 30, 2015
    I posted some pics of my (Fall) tree - take a peek : )
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