What RE's (Reduce, Reuse, Renew, Recyle) do you practice during the holiday season?

ie- RECYCLE Christmas tree, REGIFT old presents etc. Here are 20 more ideas- http://www.sustainword.com/20-tips-for-a-sustainable-holiday/
  30 answers
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 23, 2011
    Here is an article the I wrote a few years back relating to this subject. http://www.sustainword.com/recycling-during-the-holidays/
  • My mother loves to send my family new clothes for Christmas, so, after deciding what we can replace, we donate all the "old" (but in good shape) clothes at the local clothes drop.
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 23, 2011
    That is a great idea Dan! Especially donating while they are still useful.
  • Most of my family generally recycles gifts.....by leaving them at the store. For years my brother and sisters would try to figure out a gift for each other and my parents. They had everything they generally needed other than big ticket items on the wish list but not "needed" list. For a few years we ended up exchanging gift cards.... but now we just stopped the gifting and just share in the spirit and gift to our favorite charities... Most of you know mine!
  • 3po3 3po3 on Dec 23, 2011
    Like Kevin, I try to cut back on stuff. Start with the reduce part of the mantra, and you never have to get to the reuse or recycle parts. I have finally convinced most of the family to just give gifts to kids, and leave the adults out of it. When I do need adult gifts, I try to do gift cards for restaurants or "experiences," such as a spa visit or a cattle roping lesson (seriously, I gave this last year). That way, nobody gets more stuff, and they get to do something they might not treat themselves to.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 24, 2011
    Last year I finally, and with a little arm-twisting, convinced my family to stop giving each other gifts. Instead, we all put the money we would have spent on presents into a family fund, and, after adding to it this season, are taking a trip together to the Canadian Rockies next summer.
  • Harold M Harold M on Dec 24, 2011
    I like the way you think Douglas
  • That's a pretty good idea there Douglas, might have to borrow that one!
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 24, 2011
    Vote for the best answer by liking their response and SawHorse will give them a prize that fits the spirit of their answer. Prize will be valued at $100 or more. Voting ends on January 7, 2012.
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Dec 24, 2011
    I know this might be amazing to you, but I usually give plants for gifts to my family (except for the grands & ones that live in Canada) My Mother received a Beauty Berry this year and my eldest daughter who is expecting twins in a about a month is receiving two Japanese Maples that she can plant and watch grow as her boys grow up. Plants make GREAT gifts!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 25, 2011
    Plants do make great gifts Four Seasons. I've given both a dogwood and a stewartia to mark significant births, and this year gave a sister several tea olives for her birthday.
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 25, 2011
    Great idea @Four Seasons! In the past we would give herbs from our garden for gifts. The boys would help make the compost and pot the plants. We need to keep doing this since people will remember your gift year after year.
  • Debbie H Debbie H on Dec 26, 2011
    We take our live trees to the Parks & Rec in our city. They put them in a chipper & the chips are sent to the County where they give it away for free to be used as mulch.
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 26, 2011
    @Debbie- that is a great idea that everyone else should be doing as well.
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Dec 26, 2011
    We recycle wrapping paper and boxes gifts come in as well as reuse old boxes and gift bags from previous gifts.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Dec 26, 2011
    For us the holidays are more about family and food...and the blatant consumerism is best left at the mall. This concept works very well with the adults...but the younger crowd is still pretty attached to "things" Here we try to get practical items such as some warm slippers...new jacket etc. I'm a big fan of books...so these can easily be passed on or re-gifted. We strive for a simpler live as described in this article. http://www.networx.com/article/tips-for-consuming-less http://www.networx.com/article/christmas-at-home-in-colorado
  • Kathy M Kathy M on Dec 26, 2011
    All 4, doing a big remodel and repurpose whenever possible, clothes go to Goodwill, compost to vermicasting worms (and crabs) using the cracked utility sink for raised tomato container.
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  • Janet metzger Janet metzger on Dec 26, 2011
    My husband and I decided not to exchange gifts this year and man....was it wonderful! No gift buying pressure, just a wonderfully relaxing day with family and good food. Still working on my two sons (30 & 28) they still love the idea of giving lot's of stuff. They are both very crafty and dating women who are also creative, so I think next year we will each exchange a box filled with recycled items and the makings for some cool crafting. The challenge wil be to create a fun holiday gift with only what is in your given box. I think this would be fun and competitive...in a good way. We recycle the tree and I always reuse the fronts of holiday cards for gift tags the next year. Oh...and my sons gave me the ULTIMATE recycled gift....a 7mo old cat from the local SPCA..her name is Carmen.
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  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 26, 2011
    @Janet- I never though about getting a cat from the SPCA as being green, but it is.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Dec 26, 2011
    Rather than selling good unwanted items on Craig's list I post them on Yahoo Freecycle (enter your own city and find people with needs/wants). I have met many people that loved things I no longer wanted. It doesn't get much better than this.
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 26, 2011
    Great idea Sherrie! I have some stuff at our office that I need to get rid of and will try this out.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Dec 26, 2011
    Really good thinking. and I adore the furry baby!
  • 3po3 3po3 on Dec 26, 2011
    My cousin came up with a new way to avoid wrapping waste that is more elegant than my cheapo solution of wrapping gifts in newspaper (fancier gifts get the Sunday color comics). She bought some cheap fabric and wrapped the presents for the family, then kept the fabric, and it is ready to reuse next year.
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 26, 2011
    @Steve- great idea.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 27, 2011
    That is a great idea, Steve, and fabric probably works better for awkwardly shaped presents, too.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Dec 27, 2011
    I'll have to tell the cousin how excited y'all were about her idea. I was pretty impressed.
  • Many of our team members enjoy saving holiday cards from special friends and family over the years and bringing them out each season. They can be cut, or left whole and made into a wreath, strung with garland and decorate a doorway. We found some other great idea to use cards here: http://www.make-stuff.com/recycling/greeting_cards.html
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 28, 2011
    @AK- I have received cards that were reused before. Pretty funny when I get a birthday card with the wrong age on it!
  • That's some BOLD recycling!
  • Marion Hamilton Marion Hamilton on Jan 17, 2016
    From old used cards--cut and paste and embellish with glitter, etc. on new card stock.In senior's home, they even sold them.