can a tell me how to drill a hole thru glass

Jodie S
by Jodie S
  2 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Dec 28, 2011
    I know there are special drill bits for glass. I have seen a recommendation to put a circle of hot glue around the spot where you want to drill. Then put some mineral oil on the spot and carefully drill. I have not actually tried this myself, but you could try this first on a bottle or some other disposable glass.
  • Drilling holes in glass can be done. It takes a special bit in order to do this feat. Never heard of hot glue but many years ago when I was still in HS I worked for a local glass shop. We used modeling clay to form the puddle to keep the bit cool. We used mineral spirits as the lubrication. We also use that when we cut glass. We kept the cutters in a small jar of the stuff, and used a tiny paint brush and ran it down the line we were going to cut on. This kept the glass cool and prevented any chipping. In any case the drill bit resembles a tiny spear. It must run very slow or it will heat up and crack the glass. We used a old hand drill when we did our holes. If your looking to do large holes such as those an inch or larger you need special drills and cutters. These are expensive and without experience in doing this you can break a lot of glass learning. So for any holes for light fixtures etc, I would suggest that you get a professional in to do that work for you.