cinder block gardening

Christine J
by Christine J
I wanted to plant without digging up the ground and this is a great way to grow your climbing vegetables. I will fill the bottom of each hole in the cinder block with about 1 to 2 inches of loose stone to help with drainage. Then I will fill with dirt and compost and plant my seeds. This method is very easy. It also helps you keep in control of weeds...
cinder blocks are placed in front of my vinca vine and i will probably plant my herbs and or peppers in it. cinder blocks are 1.41 at home depot
i cut a lil bit more out of the garden. I will plant lettuce and carrots and radishes.
I will place composting bins under the window over hang as place potted tomato plants on the pallets
beans are starting to fill in
Garden is filling in nice
Fennel sage and cilantro in cinder blocks
The pumpkins took over the garden....
Kentucky wonder beans growing from the cinder blocks
A look from the inside
pulled the pumpkin patch up got 7 in all then I laid fresh mulch down...
another angle....
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  • Carol in VT Carol in VT on Apr 19, 2016
    Christine, your pictures and idea are just fantastic. I am planning a new garden area and have been looking for ideas. What is the fence and posts you used sticking next to the blocks? It stands so straight and not droopy. Looks like a good barrier and could be rolled up @ end of year before winter. Would love to know what it is or where purchased. Thank you, the pics were really lovely!
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  • A A on Jan 02, 2017
    Concrete blocks are useful (and cheap) for so many things. I like using them in the garden. When we decided to redo the border on my back garden beds, and wanted something more permanent, we decided to build the "great" wall. We started with concrete blocks as the base and then stucco around them. It was a lengthy process to get the curve, etc. that I wanted. I also wanted "turrets" in the great wall, do we stacked two single blocks to serve as both the turrets and planters in the wall. Here's a pic of part of the wall.
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  • Brigitte Frank Brigitte Frank on Mar 05, 2017
    Cinder blocks leach chemicals, so don't use it for edible plants.