Looking for a wall color in an open floor plan. Orange woodwork.

by Vicki
Our cabinets & woodwork is "80's orangey oak". I'd like to know if there is a color that would make that look less orange & complement it hopefully. I prefer a neutral shade.
  15 answers
  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Feb 05, 2016
    Across from orange on the color wheel would be shades of gray and blue that might help contrast your color enough to tone it down and neutralize it. When I lived in a cabin we were totally surrounded by knotty pine and ended up using two colors to help cut the glare of that ridiculous yellow pine craziness. One was that we found in the knots of the knotty pine was actually a really dark brown almost green/gray color that ended up looking great in a bedroom. The other color we found in the pine was a cinnamon red/brown that we used in our halls and another bedroom. If you look at your oak I wonder if there are other colors in it you could pull out to help tone the other orangey oak color down?
  • KatAych KatAych on Feb 06, 2016
    Take a picture on your phone and look at paint chip samples to get an idea of something you might like in a neutral shade. Once you narrow it down to a few, try some sample swatches and check the look at several different times during the day to see how it looks in various lighting.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 06, 2016
    I am thinking maybe a light brown or taupe.I also suggest buying samples and trying them on the wall next to the cabinets.
  • Kris Kris on Feb 06, 2016
    I found Chelsea Gray from Benjamin Moore, this med-darker gray will make the cabinets pop. Good luck!!
    • Laura Laura on Feb 06, 2016
      She doesn't want them to pop. She wants to tone them down.
  • Judy W Judy W on Feb 06, 2016
    If you pick a color on the opposite side of the color wheel, it will only make the color more brilliant not tone it down. (trust me, I'm an artist who has studied color) So do the opposite, pick a color that is next to it on the color wheel or in the same family. If you want to go neutral find a beige with yellow tones or a peachy creamy white.
  • I agree with Judy W!
  • Andrea R Andrea R on Feb 06, 2016
    I have just used a smoky ,pale gray/silver and some varied shades of gray. But thats just my taste, I love that. Hold up different shades of gray/silver/ ,you may be surprised. Its really how it makes you feel thats important,I like the calming shades.
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  • Int2363025 Int2363025 on Feb 06, 2016
    First, paint all the woodwork, kitchen cabinets, doors etc, a light creamy white. Then go with a taupe color or any color ( a lot darker than the woodwork) so that there is a definite contrast. Bring your interior up to the 2016's. Speaking from an interior designer! You probably will not like my input but, you asked and I shared my input.
  • Shari Shari on Feb 06, 2016
    So many people use yellow or red with oak and that just further magnifies the yellow and orange tones so if you want minimize the orange, stay away from anything with undertones in the yellow, red/pink, or the various shades of orange families. Of course, the best way to minimize the orange is to paint the oak, which is the first thing I did when we bought our house. I couldn't get all the ugly orangey oak trim moldings and doors painted a fresh, clean, bright white fast enough and we ripped out the entire kitchen because it was so bad (not even worth painting). However, if you are opposed to painting the oak, you might find these two HomeTalk posts helpful: http://www.hometalk.com/diy/kitchen-dining/kitchen-dining-furniture/5-top-wall-colors-for-kitchens-with-oak-cabinets-2389914 http://www.hometalk.com/diy/kitchen-dining/top-5-wall-colors-for-oak-cabinets-part-2-2422240
  • Jenn Kelly Jenn Kelly on Feb 06, 2016
    Benjamin Moore has a colour called Whickham Grey that would complement your furniture; painting walls and woodwork the same colour makes the room look larger.
  • LD LD on Feb 06, 2016
    I would refinish or paint the wood trim and cabinets to a shade that you like. Since you have an open floor plan, choose a wall color that is neutral and bring your colors through your furnishings, accent pieces and wall art.
  • StilGlyn StilGlyn on Feb 06, 2016
    Since most visitors end up in the kitchen or if it's an open concept area; I would make painting the cabinets priority then pick up a neutral color for the walls that compliment the cabinetry.
  • Kris Kris on Feb 07, 2016
    Gray is a perfect neutral and if she wants them to not look orange the gray will help with that.
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Feb 07, 2016
    Stay away from blues. Blue is orange's complementary colour and intensifies orange, NOT like colours as earlier mentioned.
  • Kay Klein Kay Klein on Feb 08, 2016
    I would use a lovely aqua/turquoise. It goes well with orange.
    • StilGlyn StilGlyn on Feb 09, 2016
      I do agree with your choice of colors. I was a bit concerned about the use of the two, but my trash day dresser and chairs find came out wonderful. On the dresser, now a tv unit I used the aqua on drawer fronts only and a peachy orange on the inside. The chair back only in aqua and covering had both colors. I stained the rest natural. I wanted to be a little different.