Plants in bloom today in the nursery. 21 pictures

I love SPRING!
with Yucca
Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet'
Variegated Pieris
Variegated Pieris
Pink Daphne
Pieris breaking bud
Pieris bud is almost as pretty as bloom
Pieris breaking bud
White Daphne
Osmanthus burkwoodi almost there!
Osmanthus burkwoodi just breaking bud
Miss Charleston Camellia
High Fragrance Camellia (smells like a rose)
Edgeworthia(Yes they DO get bigger!)
Edgeworthia (bloom on a stick:)
Buttons & Bows Camellia
Button & Bows Camellia
  31 answers
  • The Camelia's are so pretty!!!
  • JP S JP S on Feb 18, 2012
    will the Pieris tolerate afternoon sun? They are my favorite.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Feb 19, 2012
    So many temptations, so little...! @Jeanette: I don't think Pieris would like afternoon sun. If you can give it morning sun and afternoon shade it would do much better.
  • JP S JP S on Feb 19, 2012
    Thanks Douglas,I will have to find a spot on the north or east side,my house faces south. I wanted to plant them in front,but it gets hot afternoon sun .
    • Bridget Bridget on Mar 26, 2017

      You would want to plant them west in your yard . That way as the sun passes in the mid of the yard in the afternoon it won't touch the plant . That is what I did and it worked out great . Andif you have a fence in the west of your yard that would be the best way to plant your plants . The fence guards the sun from your plants as it moves west to set. Better yet , watch how the sun moves around your yard and you'll find the right spot. Bridget

  • Terri J Terri J on Feb 19, 2012
    Can't wait for spring to get here to PA, but they are calling for more snow instead! I am ready to do what I can outside! Getting so many ideas, but it will take many years to do all that I would like to do nless I win the lottery!
  • Vonnie O Vonnie O on Feb 19, 2012
    Now those flowers really give me spring feaver and I also live in Pa. They are beautiful!
  • Deborah C Deborah C on Feb 19, 2012
    All are beautiful!!! I have the can't wait to plant something fever! My cure is our greenhouse, one of my favorite places to be!
  • Anne B Anne B on Feb 19, 2012
    Lovely especially as we are still in Alberta winter
  • Charlene S Charlene S on Feb 19, 2012
    Wish they were growing in my yard!
  • Bonnie B Bonnie B on Feb 19, 2012
    We are having such a mello, warm winter season here on the western slopes that it makes me want Spring and Summer color today!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Feb 20, 2012
    @Jeanette: An eastern exposure would be ideal for Pieris. I have them on the north side of my house in New York and they really do not bloom as well as they did if they got a little more sun.
  • Terri J Terri J on Feb 20, 2012
    Beautiful day in PA! No snow afterall, and I have been picking weeds from the flower bed in preparation for spring!
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Feb 20, 2012
    Four Seasons, you have beautiful plants in your nursery. I need a greenhouse in Florida so I can have beautiful plants immediately after a freeze.
  • Diane B Diane B on Feb 22, 2012
    Looks like I need to take a road trip and plunder in your flowers and plants. As soon as I get the beds ready. Is that a Daphne Ordora on the left? It is so pretty!
  • Terri J Terri J on Feb 23, 2012
    I can't believe this - I have 6 daffadil sprouts comeing up already. Not bad considering it is still February, and I live in PA!
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Feb 23, 2012
    Did ya'll have a warm winter Terri?
  • Terri J Terri J on Feb 23, 2012
    We had a decent winter - sometimes it dropped to 10 -15 degrees, A couple of snow/ice storms, but there have been times when we have gotten slammed w/ snow/ice in April from nowhere too. So who knows??? I know YA'ALL had a good one. Had to captialize that word, as I grew up in Florida, and still say it (lol).
  • Deb B Deb B on Feb 23, 2012
    i just have to imagine the smell as i watch the snow melt and the wind howl!
  • Love the variegated spirea!
  • Vonnie O Vonnie O on Mar 12, 2012
    My crocus and daffadils are in full bloom right now. This is unusual for me because the crocus are always much earlier than the daffidils. My bleeding hearts are starting to show their little heads. Hope spring is here!
  • Vonnie O Vonnie O on Mar 12, 2012
    Does anybody know what the bush is, that survives Pa. winters, and has brilliant red stems from ground to tip?
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 12, 2012
    @Vonnie: Red-twig dogwood, Cornus sericea, is hardy in Pennsylvania and has bright red stems.
  • Vonnie O Vonnie O on Mar 12, 2012
    Thank you so very much Mr. Hunt! I would like to purchase some of these, they look so pretty in the winter.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 13, 2012
    Indeed they do, Vonnie. Depend on the cultivar, you can actually get shades of red, gold and coral.
  • Terri J Terri J on Mar 14, 2012
    @ Vonnie - Just to have some year round green and gold bushes, I planted a couple of Golden Thread Junipers. They grow great, but I am glad you asked about the Red-twig dogwood. Next year, perhaps I can plant a couple of those out back for a little variety.
  • Susan S Susan S on Mar 14, 2012
    Hi Four Season: There was a discussion about the plant in Pic #1. just yesterday on the National Home Gardening site!! It was ID'd as a Hoya. Some people were saying theirs had never bloomed but that the plant also needed to have some age, like several years old, before they bloom. Mine is definitely OLD but I've never gotten it to bloom. Also I remember my Mom's (which was started from mine) and her's bloomed like crazy. At some part of the day/night the little flowers would close up by curling the petals toward the center - was really neat. So is this the same plant - just called something different in your part of the country or are they slightly different? They were also saying to let the soil dry completely and to not over water whichI don't. HOW CAN I GET MINE TO BLOOM - it's in an east facing window
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Mar 15, 2012
    I think you are asking me about the Daphne? It isn't kin to a Hoya. Daphne is a small ever green shrub known for its incredible smell. A Hoya is a succulent, most of them won't live outside in my zone (7b). I would guess though they probably will show more tendency to bloom in a constricted pot?
  • Susan S Susan S on Mar 15, 2012
    Thank you for getting back to me. On closer examination, my leaves are different but the flowers sure look the same. The one in your picture looks like it's in a pot and you described it as a shrub so does this one stay outside all year??
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  • Susan S Susan S on Mar 15, 2012
    This is in an East facing window. It's really the best place in the house for plants and I don't have a West facing window. One lady on another web-site said her's went crazy w/the western light. Once it gets warmer I think I'll move it to the front porch and see what happens. Trial & error!!
  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Sep 03, 2022

    Beautiful. Spring is the best time of the year