how do you know where to put living room furniture?

Ranae N
by Ranae N
i don't have a focal point. don't really plan on getting a TV. So now what?
  11 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Mar 08, 2012
    It's hard to offer much advice without seeing the space or the furniture. I had a similar question a few months back and posted a little sketch with my room layout and the pieces I have. A bunch of other Hometalkers were really helpful.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 09, 2012
    We moved our TV out of the living room more than a year ago...we set up the seating for some views out our nice picture windows...but also for some "face to face" siting for socializing. Side tables provide light for reading etc.
    comment photo
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Mar 09, 2012
    @KMS....I love love love the furniture! Good taste and nicely done! So inviting!
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 10, 2012
    @bernice...thanks. We got a killer deal on these as they were "show room" samples. That love seat is some fancy designer piece that listed for about $3500...we got is for about $900...the chair was an equally good deal
  • Susan S Susan S on Mar 10, 2012
    Aha!! I knew it - I saw this leather chair in something else of yours awhile back and asked if you had any idea of the mfgrs name??? Just curious that's all. I've been priviledged to be able to work w/some wonderful "high end" furniture lines and of course a chair like this has such classic lines that practically every furniture line has some variation. The tooled leather on the back is to die for and nailhead trim always adds class & elegance. I also noticed the carving on the settee and I LOVE the fact that you didn't feel "compelled" to be matchy matchy w/the leather. Gives the room an acquired feel as though these pieces might have been precious family heirlooms - or at least on their way to being so!! BTW - How r those ducks?? LOL
  • Donna McCrummen Donna McCrummen on Mar 10, 2012
    Don't put the furniture up against the wall. Keep moving it around until you get it right.
  • Ranae N Ranae N on Mar 10, 2012
    KMS Woodworks... nice idea... I also have big windows ... might try something like that next, except there are palm trees outside mine!
  • Do what most women do - get your poor husband to move the furniture about 6-10 times until you have it where you want it, LOL No - my wife is NOT reading this! ;o)
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 11, 2012
    Ranae...that snow pictured on the deck is melted now...but our snow season is far from over...March and April are typically our snowiest.
  • Jan Britt Interiors Jan Britt Interiors on Mar 11, 2012
    I would be happy to give you ideas. I would love to see a picture so I can help you better.
  • Denise Hardy Denise Hardy on Oct 14, 2015
    Yes, I agree with Jan Britt Interiors - we would be much better equipped to advise you if you posted either a drawing of your room and where items are placed now or a photo with possible dimensions of the room and the items you have :)