Any ideas/experiences on painting kitchen cabinets?

Jane P
by Jane P
Mine are some sort of psuedo oak and are dated. I guess I lean towards white, but I'd love to hear from others who have done this and maybe even tried other colors. I can't afford to replace them if they look awful or start to peel...
  7 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Mar 12, 2012
    Hi Jane, Somebody else asked about this a while back. Here are some replies with good tips for painting cabinets: Scroll toward the bottom and look for a link in KMS' reply. It is a link to a good article he wrote about refacing cabinets, which is another option for you.
  • Jane P Jane P on Mar 12, 2012
    Thanks a ton Steve, I knew this couldn't be a new or different question, but I'm new to Hometalk.
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Mar 13, 2012
    Jane, two more things you can do: 1. Type in painting kitchen cabinets in the search bar to see similar conversations. 2. You can also post pictures of yours if you want feedback on what would look good in your kitchen. Good luck!
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on Mar 13, 2012
    Often times each homeowner may have circumstances that are unique, so do not be afraid of asking more questions! Pictures are worth 1000words too!
  • Pat S Pat S on Mar 13, 2012
    My cabinets were originally an old oak-ish color that was painted white. I just painted over with a pale yellow and the doors a shade darker. The areas that hadn't been painted I primed with klitz(?) and then painted the pale yellow. I didn't sand but I did wash down so clean and grease free. I say, go for it, it's only paint!
    comment photo
  • Jane P Jane P on Mar 13, 2012
    Thanks guys! Pat, I love the darker doors, what a great idea! I also like the idea of yellow since I'm planning to paint my yellow kitchen eggshell. That might help to still carry the color scheme through the room. I'll post my heinously ugly cabinets (I love dark wood so not only are these dated, they are uber-pasty looking) and see what other ideas everyone might have.
  • Madilyn Madilyn on Feb 21, 2016
    I too have painted cabinets and love them. What I really love though is the chalkBOARD painting I did on the insides. Not chalk paint. Chalkboard paint. Now I can keep my grocery lists, to do lists, important numbers and calendar hidden from view. I also covered the inside of one with foam board covered in fabric (like a bulletin board) so I could pin invitations etc. inside. Now my kitchen seem much less cluttered and I never forget anything!