Farmhouse Clock

Tammy H
by Tammy H
I do have to warn you ahead of time, this is so easy you are not going to believe it! If you love the look of farmhouse style and clocks as much as I do, you may want to make one of your own. Don't you love a fast and easy project? The plus side you only need three items. to see more on this you can go here
For a List of Supplies used please visit my blog One More Time Events
Would love it if you stopped by my blog and see how it looks with all my other Farmhouse decor on my large farmhouse decorated wall.
Tammy H
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • Pat Croley Pat Croley on Mar 27, 2016
    Items used......Where did you get the clock face that is made like that? I love the clock but can't imagine where to get the stuff.
  • DD DD on May 05, 2016
    how did u make the clock n do u have a tutorial on the how for the clock alone?dd
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  • Maude  LaFountain Maude LaFountain on May 08, 2016
    I did this to a clock on my wall with a wire planter / vegetable holder ....I love how it came out ....I also have been trying to locate a clock that someone did that looks like it came from the Titanic and one from Alcatraz Prison ....I have 2 clocks that I would love to do like those but I can't remember where I seen them at ...if anybody know please send me an email to or a message on Hometalk
    comment photo
  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on May 13, 2016
    So incredibly pretty!!
    • Tammy H Tammy H on May 17, 2016
      @A Crafty Mix - Michelle Thank you