This came up in my cousins garden in CT. She would like to know what it is. I thought bleeding hearts because they start

Cheryll M
by Cheryll M
  14 answers
  • Sharron W Sharron W on May 12, 2012
    I can't see teh full shape of the leaf so it's difficult to say for certain...BUT if this is a SPRINGTIME picture, then the fact that it is red and that I BELIEVE I can see enough leaf shape to determine that it is a red maple...
  • Donna D Donna D on May 12, 2012
    bleeding heart plants have green leaves and the flowers are pink heart shaped blooms with a tear drop at the end of the heart....not sure what this is tho
  • Shelley C Shelley C on May 12, 2012
    It kind of looks like a Coral Bells (Heuchera)
  • Natalin K Natalin K on May 12, 2012
    It looks like African Rose Mallow to me. I can't make out the shape of the leaves too well though.
  • Dorene H Dorene H on May 12, 2012
    doesn't look like bleeding hearts to me at all
  • Pam Pam on May 12, 2012
    Hard to see it but it looks like a coleus.
  • Sharron W Sharron W on May 12, 2012
    This doesn't look like any coleus I've ever seen....I really wish Cheryl would post a second picture with the leaves spread out so we can fully see the shape...It's definately NOT bleeding heart...But Coral Bells ....well I'd have to look up what that is...Rose Mallow is I believe a form of hybisicus, and this is not it...It Looks Like a red maple that's been chopped down or mowed over until it has come back as a bushier form....
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  • Cheryll M Cheryll M on May 12, 2012
    That's all i have was sent to me via cell phone photo. Thx for everyone's imput!
  • Pam Pam on May 12, 2012
    Sharron I had coleus this color last year. There are many coleus varities. Many I have never seen here but have seen in gardening magazines. But, as I said, can't tell from the picture.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 13, 2012
    Cheryll, you should see if your cousin can take a picture where the leaf shape is identifiable. It does look somewhat like a heuchera leaf as Shelley said.
  • Sharron W Sharron W on May 14, 2012
    Well ya'll i posted photo's of the coral Bells and the Africian Rose Mallow in my previous posts, I can see why Shelly C thinks that it could be the coral Bells...but I can't believe that it's the rose mallow....even a different varity because it appears that the leaves are a different shape...but honestly since we can't see the full shape we can't really know with certainty.
  • Pat Pat on Feb 26, 2015
    Looks like Heuchera to me. There are several varities and this is a redder one.
  • Valerie A. de Vincent Valerie A. de Vincent on May 16, 2015
    I can't see it very well either, but the color and limpy leaves remind me of Perilla, maybe.