How to Get a Beautiful Finish With Spray Paint

by Genevre
Spray paint out of an aerosol can actually act differently than latex paint out of a can. Here are some tips to getting better results with spray painting your furniture.
Plan on a Clear Coat With Larger Surfaces - Spray paint can produce an even finish when painting surfaces like chairs and smaller surfaces, but with tables and larger FURNITURE ITEMS, it can be really difficult to get a finish on a larger surface area that is even. With larger surfaces like tables, dressers and other furniture pieces with large flat areas, plan on sanding the paint to a smooth and even surface and then painting a clear coat over the paint. Spray paint can produce a blotchy looking surface when painting over a large surface area, so the best way to overcome that is to sand the blotchy surface until its smooth and then roll on or brush on a clear coat, over the whole piece. If you do the clear coat over the whole piece, that will insure that the finish is even.
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