Kitchen Table Made From Recalimed Pallet Wood

Erin Tallant
by Erin Tallant
I needed a new kitchen table and had pallets that I got from work for free. So my Daddy and I worked on making one! I used the legs from my existing table and made a new top.
My Daddy employed my son to help hold the pallets while he cut them apart.
We went to the hardware store and bought a thin piece of wood for the base of the table top. This was to support the top, since it goes past my existing table.
Then I began to put the table together, like a puzzle.
After we laid everything out, I used liquid nails and wood glue to glue it down. We used clamps and anvils to make sure the wood stayed in place while it was drying.
Next, we sanded the table with a band sander and filled in the cracks with wood putty.
After the wood filler dried, we sanded it again. I did not make the surface completely smooth, since I wanted a rustic feel. Now it was time to stain!
I ended up using about 3 coats of stain to get the color I wanted.
After the stain came 3 coats of polyurethane. I wanted a good barrier to seal the wood.
I painted the chairs and the base of the table a pretty blue to compliment the red of the table.
The finished table! I am so happy with how it turned out. The stained glass window behind it was rescued from our old church building.
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  • Janet Williams Garoutte Janet Williams Garoutte on Jul 24, 2016
    I have some extra laminate flooring. Do you think it would work?
  • Debbie Debbie on Jul 24, 2016
    What type of wood did you use for the thin layer to glue the pieces too.
  • Marilyn Stein Marilyn Stein on Jul 26, 2016
    Love the final look, Erin! I've noticed that all pallet wood is not created equal, especially when it comes to thickness. Did you only use ones with the same thickness to get a flat surface? Or did you find a way to incorporate uneven thicknesses?
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3 of 60 comments
  • Victoria Victoria on Sep 22, 2016
    nice job!!
  • Victoria Victoria on Sep 22, 2016
    I have been making some tables too. I find super fun and enjoyable.
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    • Erin Tallant Erin Tallant on Oct 18, 2016
      My daddy found a wrought iron stand that was for fireplace utensils at a junk store. He just liked it, but didn't what I could use it for. I'm gonna make a small round table out of it. I cannot wait to get started, but i have a lot of projects going now.