Generations Cedar Chest

Deb Hrabik
by Deb Hrabik
What are you storing that could be a great candidate for furniture transformation?
Deb Hrabik
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  1 question
  • Max Mills Max Mills on Apr 10, 2020

    How did you do the top of the chest? What process and stains? Doing a cabinet similar to this. Thanks!

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4 of 7 comments
  • Linda Crandall Linda Crandall on Sep 30, 2013
    Awesome look - shared on fB and pinned it! Now I need to try the red paint from pottery barn idea - thank you for sharing.
    • Deb Hrabik Deb Hrabik on Sep 30, 2013
      @Linda Crandall Thanks Linda! I know red is bold, but black under it warms it up. Happy Painting! Deb
  • Kellie Kellie on Jan 26, 2015
    Is there any way you can send me the template for this? I have searched everywhere for a hope chest and this is the only one I have found that I absolutely love!
    • Deb Hrabik Deb Hrabik on Jan 26, 2015
      @Kellie Sure Kellie, I will attach a photo here that hopefully you can right click and save. Also, if I have your last name or whatever name you want I can photoshop that for you. You can email me at:
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