Painting white ceiling and colored walls

by Louise
My husband trouble where the walls meet the ceiling when they are different colors.They seem to bleed.It is never a clean line. Help
  6 answers
  • Z Z on Sep 17, 2013
    I'm sure any real painters will say I'm wrong, but for unskilled me, I paint my ceilings last because it's easier to mask a straight line on the wall than for my unsteady hand to paint a straight line along the ceiling edge. Make sure to give your wall paint plenty of time to cure before taping. My preference for tape is the craft paper kind because it doesn't stretch. Also make sure you have a couple clean damp clothes to wipe any drips you might get. Amazingly enough I've never dripped on my walls when doing this. Probably because I don't over load my tools with paint. Another ceiling painting tip of mine is have two painters. One on a latter cutting in the edge with an angled brush and the other using a roller on an extended handle standing on the floor. It's not necessary to have two, but it saves time and painting is always more enjoyable with a helper.
  • Shari Shari on Sep 17, 2013
    For me, painting the ceiling first and the wall last works better for me. I also use a small, 1 inch brush with an angled tip to do the cutting in where the wall and ceiling meet. I find I have far more control with a small angled brush and I don't even have to waste time taping. I'm right handed so I work from left to right, holding the brush so the longer bristles are on the left and the shorter bristles are on the right. I put a decent amount of paint on the tips of the brush but don't overload it with paint. Then I place the tips of the brush on the wall as close to the ceiling as I can get without actually getting paint on the ceiling and move the brush to the right in one continuous stroke as far as I can reach. I then come back and brush over what I just painted in order to smooth out the paint and fill in any places that might not have received good coverage on the first pass of the brush. For the novice DIY painter, using a smaller brush may seem to take a little longer but again, the control you have is so much better. More control means less time touching up mistakes and an overall neater looking job when you are finished. Frankly, I think women are often better at the cutting in process than men, generally speaking. (I'm not talking about professional painters, just regular DIY homeowners.) I know my hand is far steadier than my husband's and I have more patience with detail work than he does, plus he always uses a big, blunt edged brush, which just doesn't work when you are trying to be so precise.
    • See 3 previous
    • Kim Brettle Kim Brettle on May 27, 2015
      @Shari Ladies... The smaller the brush the more times you have to dip it to charge it. A few practices with a larger brush you will get the hang of it. Remember to look where you want your brush to go. ( it is the same rule as horse riding if there are any horse riders here). I am in Australia & a licensed Painter & yes a female, I have been painting for 15 years. Good luck & happy painting.
  • Louis.hargrove Louis.hargrove on Sep 17, 2013
    go under diy-mess free painting tips
  • I have a suggestion~crown molding. Hides a multitude of sins and adds depth and style to a room. Plus they have cheaters for corners so no brain confusion on how to cut the angles. A good brush is the key and as Shari states it is easier to do a straight line on the wall than the ceiling. I can use angle or straight brush but a 1 1/2" works great. Another tip is lightly dip the paint and glide along the edge of the ceiling. Some use painters tape but the paint has to be cured for at least a week otherwise you could get the paint to come off with the tape. good luck
  • Julie Benson-Grant Julie Benson-Grant on Sep 19, 2013
    A very good friend of mine just takes the wall paint right up on the ceiling! I didn't think I'd like it myself, but when I saw it, I LOVED it! I am thinking that will be the way to go when the next room needs painting. And think... no more lines to have to paint!
    • Z Z on Sep 19, 2013
      Not a bad idea at all @Julieas long as the wall color isn't too dark. I have known of some that go a shade or two lighter on the ceiling from the wall color too. That would make it less likely to show too.
  • Dawn Kerns Dawn Kerns on Jan 23, 2016
    Put up painter's tape on the ceiling if painting the walls. The apply a thin bead of PAINTER'S CAULK along the edge of the tape and smooth it out. It keeps the paint from seeping through the tape.