5 Chicken Breeds for the New Chicken Owner

by TheFrugalChicken.com
Want to get chickens this spring? First time owner? Here's 5 breeds to think about!
If you've been thinking about raising chickens, you should take the leap. Watching your birds forage and socialize is one of the most relaxing past times I can think of. When they lay that first egg, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and independence you didn't know before.
You can buy established hens or chicks locally, through the mail, or at your local feed store. I've found a great variety by buying locally, and even found some mixed breeds that are fantastic. By buying locally, you know what you’re getting (for the most part), and you can pick your birds. You’ll meet like-minded people who can help you out if you have any questions. Most chicken owners are very friendly, and want to help you keep your flock healthy and happy.
If you buy from a hatchery, you'll find a great variety, as well as some breeds you might not find locally.
So, which breeds are good for first time owners? Let’s take a closer look!
1. Rhode Island Reds – If you want easy-to-care-for brown-egg layers, Rhode Island Reds are a great breed. They lay consistently, about 280 eggs a year, and convert feed into eggs very efficiently. All ours are very friendly, and we even had some that would run to us like dogs when they saw us.
2. Buff Orpingtons – Buffs orpingtons are a great option for owners who want both egg and meat birds. Buff Orpington roosters can reach 10 lbs. The hens produce about 280 eggs a year, and can get up to 8 lbs.
3. Leghorns – If you want chickens for their eggs, then Leghorns, with their pretty white feathers, are a great option. They lay white eggs, and tend to be nervous, so they won’t make a good lap chicken,
4. Golden Sex Links (aka Red Sex Links, Golden Comets) – Golden Sex Links are one of the best egg layers around, with one of the best feed to egg conversion ratio. Our Golden Sex Link hens lay brown eggs all winter, when our other hens have stopped. If egg production is most important to you, then you can’t go wrong with a Golden Sex Link.
5. Barred Rocks – Barred Rocks are extremely pretty birds to look at! Owners of Barred Rock chickens are devoted to the breed because of their egg laying ability and friendly natures. Owners report their Barred Rock hens are the watchdogs of the flock, making them a good addition if you have trouble with predators.
There are plenty of options for starter breeds, and these are just a few. They’re all easy to care for, and produce eggs reliably, in addition to being nice to look at! With any breed you get, you will be entertained and feel a new level of self-sufficiency!

Until next time!
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