Steam Mop Recommendations

by Shari
My daughter has tile floors (and 2 dogs and 2 cats) so I want to buy her a steam mop for Christmas. She'll be thrilled--not.
If you have steam mop, please share with me what features I should look for, the brand you have, and the things you like or dislike about it. She really needs something that will do a good job on the grout. Thanks!
  6 answers
  • I have owned two Sharks. I used them when I had tile floors in another house. As for grout, the steamer does a good job cleaning both the tiles but if the floor is not vacuumed/swept really well you just push the hair and dirt into the grooves/grout lines. for the price, Shark does a good job. I have had friends who have used the expensive ones with the same results I have with the Shark. I do have to say that using a steam mop was the easiest way to keep the floors clean and even on other surfaces. And the Shark goes on sale this time of year so you should find some really good deals. Plus using their washable covers is great.
  • Lynnelogue Lynnelogue on Nov 16, 2013
    I have had a bionaire steam mop for about 2 years. It does an awesome job cleaning the floors! When I researched the different brands the one comment repeated was "the handles aren't very good and tend to break." Although mine is intact the handles is not very strong so I use it with care. The washable covers are a bonus. I also have a hand held steamer and have used it to steam clothing instead of ironing, clean walls, counter tops, wood cabinets, bathroom and more. The best part is that this is all accomplished with plain old water! No chemicals to rinse or inhale.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Nov 24, 2013
    I, too, have the Shark. The price was right and it does a great job. I have two very large dogs and polished porcelain floors that were very hard to keep shiny before the Shark. Best thing I ever bought for this job.
  • Shari Shari on Nov 25, 2013
    Thanks everyone for taking time to respond. I looked at the brands recommended but ultimately ended up buying a Bissell PowerFresh Steam Mop. It got unbelievably fantastic reviews on every site I looked at--almost perfect 5s--which is really unusual for small appliances to receive such rave reviews. It was also very affordable--just $85 on with free shipping. Can't wait to see if it really performs as great as all the reviewers claimed. If it does, I might just have to order one for myself! :)
    • Z Z on Nov 26, 2013
      @Shari, I've had a Bissell steam mop for over 9 years now and it's still running strong. I'm sure your daughter will love it. A couple people that used mine while here that had a Shark at home said my Bissell was so much easier to use and worked better than their Shark. I always vacuum my hard surface floors first to leave as little dust a possible. Sometimes they'll be a little dust left that I missed, but once it's dry I use the hose on the vac to pick it up and my floors are spotless.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Nov 26, 2013
    @Shari please let us know if your daughter likes Bissell. I bought the Shark in a local store when I first saw it otherwise I would have gone to Amazon - my favorite store.
  • Roberta Dupont Roberta Dupont on Feb 25, 2021

    I would go for the confortday steam cleaner available on Amazon. I purchased it a few months back and it's working fine! My grouts just look brand new now

    I have seen useful information on the blog SteamMopsWork