Six Common Storage Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

by BrightNest
Everything is tucked away and out of sight. You can relax now, right? Not so fast! Just because something is put away doesn’t mean it’s put away correctly. Sometimes organizing your abode can actually do more harm than good!
Follow these storage Dos and Don’ts to protect your belongings, keep your family safe and even make your food taste better:In the Bedroom
DON’T: Hang pearls. If you have a strand of pearls, it requires special TLC. Never hang the strand, because the necklace’s thread will stretch out prematurely. Also, keep the pearls away from other jewelry, because the surface of a pearl is easily scratched. The best place to store pearls is in a silk bag or velvet-lined box.
DO: Store seasonal clothes in a dry spot. Dark, damp areas of the home are basically mold’s paradise! Keep your seasonal clothes safe from mold and mildew by storing them in a dry, well-ventilated area (like under the bed). Unless you live in a dry climate, keep your storage units out of the basement or attic.In the Bathroom
DON’T: Ignore the space above your toilet. What’s under your bathroom sink? If you have a long list of beauty tools, toiletries and cleaning supplies, it’s time to find those items a new home. Don’t let the spot over your toilet go vacant. Grab a few easy-to-install shelves at your local hardware store and start re-organizing your bathroom supplies above your toilet.
DO: Move medicine out of the bathroom. “Medicine cabinet” is a total misnomer – the bathroom is actually the worst place to store your meds! Bathrooms tend to get hot, muggy and damp – all bad things for medication. Humid environments cause medications to break down and lose their potency far before the expiration date. The best place for your pills is in a desk drawer or a kitchen or dining room cabinet. If you haven’t checked out your medicines in awhile, it’s probably time to safety check your medicine cabinet.In the Kitchen
DON’T: Keep unused appliances on the countertop. Unless you drink smoothies at every meal, the blender probably doesn’t belong on the countertop 24/7. Same goes for the toaster and the coffee grinder – put them away! Tip: If your lack of cabinet space is forcing the appliances onto the counter, try one ofthese new spots to store kitchen gadgets.
DO: Store some veggies out of the fridge. Your fridge may have a crisper drawer, but that doesn’t mean every veggie belongs there! Some produce – like avocados, onions and tomatoes – thrive outside of the refrigerator. For a full list, check out: Fridge or Counter: Where Should Fresh Foods Go?
More great organization tips:
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