Should I paint over my brick fireplace?

by Karla
I have been debating wether to paint my brick furnace area white! If I do, would it be easy to go back to brick if I decide to? Thanks Hometalkers!
  9 answers
  • Karla Karla on Jan 24, 2017

    i found the post to be very helpful! Thank you!!!!

  • William William on Jan 24, 2017

    Can you post a photo? Here are some painting ideas other Hometalkers have done to their fireplaces. Once the paint is on it would be a chore to get it all off. Brick is porous and will absorbs some of the paint....

    • See 1 previous
    • Karla Karla on Jan 28, 2017

      william heres a pic...

      im taking it from second floor because of the stIrway I cant take an upclose it wont fit but the area is large

      comment photo
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jan 25, 2017

    I love natural fireplace brick, but it depends on your room's overall decor. Whitewash also always feels nice and cozy. If you want to remove the paint, its possible, but hard work-

    How do I get the paint off of a fireplace?
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 25, 2017

  • White washing is one of the most easy and affordable ways to update a fireplace. And, it allows a part of the original brick color to show through in a subtle way. It's an easy afternoon DIY project. I posted a tutorial on my blog:

  • Jeannie.mcquaid Jeannie.mcquaid on Jan 27, 2017

    I doubt you'd ever get painted brick back to its natural color after painting. But if you are finding the brick just too dark and depressing, try white wash first. If that's not enough of a color change, you can still do a solid paint later.

  • Lee Lee on Jan 27, 2017

    If you paint the bricks they will be pretty much permanently painted. Sandblasting and chemical paint remover would be time consuming and very Messy. How about considering covering it with plywood and retileing. with the glass or plastic tiles (they are light-weight ) or with the re-used skids lumber . Stapled on--for easy painting or removal and the 'in' thing. OR wait--your color bricks will be back in fashion soon

    • See 1 previous
    • Lee Lee on Jan 30, 2017

      I believe in her question she wrote fireplace. Which to my knowledge has many different wood and tile applications around them I understand a wood stove to be free standing Heat source.

  • William William on Jan 28, 2017

    You could white wash it with watered down paint. You would still have the brick showing through, but it would be muted. Once you paint it would be hard to bring the brick back without stripping and possible sandblasting.

  • Karla Karla on Jan 30, 2017

    thank you so much :)