That One Dog Sign -People Think You're Kidding But Your Not.

by Ogmichelle45
1 Hour
If you like to re-purpose and craft and do DYI - You sometimes go the long route and make something more complicated then you need to but the object was to save the doors off a old workshop cabinet we inherited when we bought the house.
If you like the sign you can just print it out on computer and put in picture frame and hang outside. In fact, a friend wanted this sign and as a gift I made her the printed sign and 8 x 10 frame with several other cute "welcomes" she could changed based on her mood.
The Dogs-Resting on baby mattresses.
Very protective and they do what dogs are meant to do - They Bark and grown men have run off our porch from their ferocious carrying on. They can be aggressive so I wanted a sign to warn people who came over uninvited. If they like you, no worries they are sweet.
Doors removed I had 2 long ones and one short one with clear glass inserts. My reluctant husband removed and spray painted the frames.
This is after we removed the tape from covering the glass. (Yes I love shopping online with Bealls)
I started with printing it on paper and because of the size of my frame - I didnt want to cut the letters so I headed out to Walmart to look for the sticky letters in the crafts.
Placed the letters on black construction board..

Then hung it on porch. If you see the "M" to the left I used up a piece of wainscoting as the backing and put our last name initial on it under glass and had yet another re-purposed door frame for wall art. The light was old and we spray painted that to live again. (This was an early picture so this is not the finished project of the porch as I added cushions and painted the Tuscano angel and those rugs! I'm embarrassed they were there for the picture but I'm not a photographer I'm just retired living in Florida)
This is "Baby" .
How far people have to run back to their car on driveway or to road.
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  • Bernice Bernice on May 08, 2017

    Beautiful dogs! Now I will go back and read your post. The signs made sense as I scrolled down. I have 3 GSD of my own. Aren't dogs outstanding?

  • Ellen Herndon Atkins Ellen Herndon Atkins on May 10, 2017

    This is fabulous. Beautiful dogs. Love this idea!

  • Ogmichelle45 Ogmichelle45 on Jul 11, 2017

    Chattycathey - Yes! Where do all your dogs sleep? ;)

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