Tea "totaler" Wreath

by Lsherbach
5 Materials
2 Hours
My love for tea cups was sparked by my Nana, who gave me my first cup, a pink china cup, with gold inside on my first birthday. I still have it!
So, this project begins with the base. I tried to save $$ here by buying the wire frame at the Dollar store; but the weight of the cups made this a poor choice. I had to splurge and go to the craft store, but I had a coupon. I spray painted it white, so it would melt into the tea cups.
While the frame was drying, I gathered the rest of my materials.
Before attaching the cups, I added some fabric strips to the top (to act as a hanger) and the bottom of the wire frame to add color. Attaching the cups securely, proved to be more difficult that I imagined. In the end, I used clear Gorilla glue, and some clothes pins to hold the cup securely in place until the glue set.
This did take some time, so I worked on other projects during the dry time. Be patient here, you won’t be sorry. When all the cups were in place, I embellished with paper flowers that I made myself (I love paper flowers) this I thought covered up any areas where I could see the wire frame.
And there you have it, my tea totaler wreath.  Remember: In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt “Women are like tea bags, you never know how strong they are till they get in hot water.” 

Happy crafting everyone! icon
Suggested materials:
  • Wire wreath frame   (Michaels)
  • Spray paint   (had on hand)
  • Glue   (had on hand)
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3 of 17 questions
  • Toni Toni on Feb 28, 2019

    Was the wreath extremely heavy afterwards

  • Vicki Davis Vicki Davis on May 31, 2019

    Where did you hang it?

  • Gbe69776730 Gbe69776730 on Mar 05, 2024

    What a clever ideal. Would two wreath foams tied together make it stronger? I wonder if mesh ribbon or wedding mesh wound around the foam would help cups glue to form ?? I have my late moms tea cups in the shed. This would be a nice way to use the cups and remind me of her . Thanks for sharing.

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