Pregnant Bottle Art Delivers

Pat Ruge
by Pat Ruge
5 Materials
2 Hours
I don't even remember how long it has been for this one to finally deliver the goods. Truth is, I've had everything here just waiting for the "Ah Ha, I think I've got it!" moment. As usual, we gather our supplies.
This is the third Patron tequila bottle I've done, and like my three children they are all different and have their own personality. I selected a number of small shells and hot glued the pearls so they won't be moving around once inside the bottle.
I began by adding a layer of playground sand and topped it with white sand for a layered look. The neck has been wrapped with twine and glued in place. It is important to note that I had to go through many many shells to select those that would fit through the neck of the bottle.
This little fish net with the two shells were included in the box of shells I purchased at a garage sale. It was cut down just a bit and hot glued to the bottle in strategic places. A gold ribbon along with two different "raggedy ribbons" were also tied around the neck.
A side view. I might mention, that there was really no attempt to place the shells in a certain place. That is the advantage of working with natural products. There is no right or wrong. My only attempt to place any of the shells was to insure at least a couple of the shells where I added the pearls would show up in the display. I also sprinkled and scattered some iridescent seed beads to cause a bit of sparkle.
You might not be able to see them, but I threw in a few pieces of sea glass. Oh did I forget to mention, she weight 7.5 lbs and is almost 10 inches tall. I named her Sue as I believe she will be selling sea shells down near the sea shore.
Suggested materials:
  • Patron Tequila bottle   (Garage Sale)
  • Sea Shells   (Joanns)
  • Sand/Sable   (Joanns)
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2 of 9 comments
  • Nadine Hartman Bourne Nadine Hartman Bourne on Dec 27, 2017

    I love it. I too have things around the house waiting for inspiration to strike. I bought a glass jar of pineapple spears at costco just because I liked the shape of the jar. I have been collecting different sized and shaped bottles with the intention of fairy houses. But, who knows I haven't started yet.

  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on Dec 27, 2017

    Hey, Nadine, I've found a number of "fairy house" inspirations on Pinterest as I was looking for the "Rope/Twine Challenge" next week. You will love it. Take a look. Just one example.

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