Easy Cheap Backsplash Upgrade.

Suzanne Brown
by Suzanne Brown
3 Materials
7 Days

I wanted a tile look, but couldn't afford the price. So I got some paint, painter's tape and polyurethane and created my own. I started by masking off the area to be painted. Then put two coats of white on the wall. Let dry completely!! A day or two for drying time. Then measured out my grids lines. I used a 3/8" wide painter's tape for the grid (see third picture). I also used (not pictured) a leveler to make sure the grid lines were straight. This will be the most difficult part. Once you have taped your grid lines into place press the painter's tape firmly as you paint each tile to secure a good line. Now you're ready to either sponge or paint individual tiles. The third pic is of the taped grid lines and a sponged technique that I decided I didn't like. So what I did was I just painted over it with solid colors. You might have to give each tile two or three coats to cover. Once you have your desired paint colors on the wall and it is DRY, (wait at least two days for drying time) remove the taped grid lines and polyurethane the wall. I used 4 coats of non-yellowing polyurethane. I hope you have as much fun doing this as I did. If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me.

Update: Over time the wonderful "non-yellowing" polyurethane yellowed. I had to paint over it.

Gathered my paint colors and squirt bottles to mix colors, sponge, and painter's tape for masking. Leveler (not pictured).

Masked off full area for white paint background which will be the grout lines.

After the white background has dried mask off your grout lines and paint the individual blocks. I used non-yellowing polyurethane. Four coats.

Pictured here is the 3/8" taped grid lines and a sponged technique. I decided I didn't like that so I just painted solid colors right over it. Didn't have to move or change the taped grid lines.

Final result. Painted, grid removed, and polyurethaned. Notice I only went down level of the counter tops all the way across the back of the stove.

Final result.

Suggested materials:
  • Paint   (Lowes)
  • Duct tape and polyurethane   (Lowes)
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  • Sondra Cook Sondra Cook on Dec 05, 2017

    can you ddo this if they back is tile (ugly tiles)???

  • The10061854 The10061854 on Mar 18, 2018

    Does is matter what type of paint you us for the colored bricks? Flat, semi-gloss, high gloss, etc.?

  • Sue Sue on Oct 05, 2018

    Have you ever heard of painting over tiled backsplash that's already on wall? I hate what's there now!!

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