Looking for low cost ideas to revamp my tiny bathroom on a dime

by Brooke
The sink, toilet and shower will have to remain in place. The molding needs attention and I would like to replace the white laminate all around the bathroom with something inexpensive. I would like something else to go where my plastic cart is that wouldn't look so cheap to hold the items inside. Perhaps get rid of the cabinet over the toilet and replace the floor.. Looking for a cabin or northwoods theme at a very low cost. Any ideas or help would greatly be appreciated.
  9 answers
  • Heather Heather on Apr 10, 2014
    Paint! Paint the walls and maybe even the door! Grab a new mirror from Goodwill, also paint the storage behind the toilet. I would lower the shower curtain so the curtain almost touches the floor and grab a tiny cabinet that you could put baskets in for beside the sink instead of the plastic bins. :) Hope this helps!
  • Robin Robinson Robin Robinson on Apr 10, 2014
    I agree! Paint will make a huge difference, especially on all the dark wood. I would also add another mirror where the clock currently hangs, to relect more light.
  • You can also add so tile if you can find some on clearance like I did, I always wait for anything I buy to go on sale, and add some new hardware to your cabinets will also add a different look. Yes and take the clock out, add a mirror or pretty picture. Paint the dark wood with a lighter washable paint, you won't even know your new bathroom. Good Luck,….. add some pictures when you are finished.
    • Brooke Brooke on Apr 11, 2014
      @Carolyn Faye Blizzard Lanier - yes the clock was kind of tossed up there, lol...Tile is another great idea..ty...i would love to post the finished project :)
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Apr 11, 2014
    Since you want a cabin or north woods look, find some wooden crates and stack them end to end in your corner and put baskets in some of them for your supplies and towels. You can secure them by attaching them together with wood screws or brad-nail gun. Go up as high as you would like. Seen some at Walmart the other day that were real inexpensive. ~ As for the walls, either tongue and groove pine boards or bead board, ran horizontally for that cabin feel. Trim with just plain 1"x4" pine lumber. Leave natural with varnish or stain a light wood color. ~ Over the toilet I would purchase a towel rack that has a shelves or make your own by re-purposing an item you already have. ~ Paint your vanity and mirror frame a dark brown or paint a color that you like such as the deep red or green that most north wood decor has in them. ~ Paint your vanity handles a satin black along with your shower curtain rod. ~ New sink and tub fixtures. (this can be done later as you can afford it) Adding Photos to inspire you!
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  • Brooke Brooke on Apr 11, 2014
    Love your response! Ty sooo much for these photos!! I will be looking for the crates at rummage sales or walmart in the next few weeks. I think I may go with the idea of the pine board or bead board as you have suggested..its not crazy expensive for how tiny my bathroom is. I dislike the big bulky cabinet over the toilet it make it look even smaller but it has definitely gotten me by thus far..Really great ideas I appreciate you time responding and including the photos as this will be my first project on my own as soon as i can get everything together..
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 11, 2014
    First of all, there is no cheap way to replace the surround in the tub...just ignore it. It looks like your tile is in great shape. I would strive for the sophisticated look...black and white with a touch of deep red. Vanity base black (charcoal), shelves over toilet white with a black and white wallpaper on inside back; paint frame around mirror black. Use a white shower curtain, then use deep red towels. As for the plastic bins,there are some very narrow cabinets available.
  • Brooke Brooke on Apr 11, 2014
    decided to take that wood thing over the toilet and replace with towel rack such as a previous comment suggested.. North woods ideas are still welcome as the rest of my house on the inside is already a cabin feeling
  • Z Z on Apr 12, 2014
    I'm with @Donna Byram all the way on this one. If you want a North Woods theme you need natural wood, not paint! I'm not familiar with your area of the country so I don't know if you have access to places that give away pallets, but that could be an inexpensive way to add horizontal wood to your walls. If your vanity it real wood I'd strip it and stain it to match however you finish the walls or maybe a little darker so it doesn't all blend in together. If you can fit it into your budget I'd replace the trim around the door. As for the tub surround, have you thought about painting it? http://www.rustoleum.com/product-catalog/consumer-brands/transformations/tile-transformations@
  • Brooke Brooke on Apr 12, 2014
    oh wow! yes i can get pallets! How interesting is that! Thank You for all of that input Becky!
    • Z Z on Apr 13, 2014
      @You are very welcome Brooke. I hope you come back and share your bathroom when you're finished with it.