Bathroom Vanity DIY

Amy Rommel
by Amy Rommel
We were doing our upstairs bathroom over. It was the ugliest bathroom I had ever seen. We went to Lowes and ordered one of their vanities, which was $500 and fell apart as it came out of the box. So we thought about how all the things of the past were made so well... and "boy, they don't make things like they used to!" And Voila!! An idea was born. Went to the local Lion's Club donation center and found this cabinet with the perfect measurements for the space we had.
Even had a hole in the back for the pipes!
We bought some cabinet paint in "old time white" and got to work. We sanded some of the divets out and got rid of a few deep scratches and started painting.
The cabinet took the paint well....
Then we distressed it using sandpaper until it had the look we wanted...
Had the plumber come and hook it all up. We ordered a vessel sink from from Krauss (highly recommend Krauss... their quality is amazing). Now we have the prettiest vanity with a touch of old-world sturdiness!! We love it!!!!
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  • Kathy Murray Kathy Murray on Apr 01, 2017
    Where did you get the sink? Your project turned out great. Thank you
  • Linda Linda on Jul 07, 2017

    I wonder if you could use an undermount sink?

  • Bernie Moon Bernie Moon on Oct 08, 2017

    Did u have to sand and prime the varnished surface at all. if so what kind of primer did you use and what kind of cabinet paint? I want to do my varnished kitchen cupboards

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