How to Waterproof & Repel Stains on Fabric

by Rai144661
Maybe you’ve figured out one of my dirty little secrets…
Ya know how when you see my dining room, you’ve never really seen the cushions on the chairs?
You may have seen a shot of the side of the chair seat, but not the whole thing.
Well, ummm…..
They were gross. Way gross and way past their makeover due date.
But I have a two year old, so I didn’t really want to re-upholster them and have her destroy them again in 2.0 seconds.
I looked longingly at fabric swatches, impatiently waiting for the day when my dining room chairs could shine once more.
One day, I happened upon the tool that would make them shine again – without worrying about stains. I discovered how to waterproof and repel stains on fabric.
After choosing what fabric you want to waterproof and stain protect, lay them all out - I used a tarp. Give them two coats of Thompson's WaterSeal Fabric Seal, waiting four hours between each coat.
See the brown "bubbles?" That is Coke. When a liquid hits the fabric, it bubbles up and you simply wipe it away. If liquid doesn't bubble on your fabric, give it a couple more coats of the spray.
This is the fabric after I wiped up the Coke - not a stain in site!
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 1 comment
  • Lynn Goins Lynn Goins on Jun 23, 2017

    This is an excellent tip! I just bought a white sofa from IKEA. It's slip covered so it's washable, but who wants to wash cushion covers once a month? (I have a 2 year old grandson). This is my life saver! THANK YOU!!!!!
