Asked on Jul 01, 2012

Help with shower head

Bernice H
by Bernice H
This shower head points directly to the wall of the tub....... getting the wall paneling outside the tub wet when it sprays and runs down.There are no moveable parts to make it point straight down. We got this one because it has the arch so it is higher, the other was too low. It is a hassle getting in the shower too fast before the water oversprays onto the wall.I was thinking of getting a new head,but thought I would run it by you handy people first.
I need a little help here! thanks! And please dont make fun of my yeller fiberglass tub, it is over 35 years old.......and no one sees it , (except now the world!) ha
  15 answers
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 01, 2012
    Yes, the first picture is wonky, what did i do?
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 01, 2012
    Ok here it is..looking like it should..sometimes..I wonder about myself! I get things half figured out, then I get stuck! Like posting pictures.
    comment photo
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 01, 2012
    hahahahaha sorry!
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Jul 01, 2012
    Haha, you know you can actually rotate the photo once you've posted it. If you click on edit you will see an two arrows beside each picture. I fixed this one for you. :)
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 01, 2012
    Thank yew ! I'm glad you're out there! Now I hope someone can help me with my prob!
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Jul 01, 2012
    LOL so funny I looked at the other pics and thought to my self HUH she needs a plumber.... But now that I seen it turned, I get it. I had the same problem with my shower when I first moved into this house. I changed the shower head and had to remove the hand held that was attached. It will put the shower head up farther and get one that adjusts/swivel really well.
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on Jul 01, 2012
    Know your frustration Bernice! Have even had a similar problem and I quickly found out it was the fault of the equipment... err the design of it. That is one incredible shower arm you have coming out of the wall, I will give you that! :) The angle of it is part of your challenge too. Can you tell me the height of the hole coming out of the wall?
  • Bernice, you can take the S shaped bar off and ask someone to bend the top bend around a bit more for you. This will allow the head to be pointed down more rather then out. This should be a simple task to do. We have the same issue with our shower head. I have a real expensive spray head, but it just does not move around all that much so it cannot be adjusted to where it fits both my wife and I. Just to lazy to get the pipe bender out to fix it.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 02, 2012
    Thank you Wbridge..bob, is it? Don't mean to sound more dense than I am, but how would I get someone to bend the pipe? Who does this sort of thing? Ha I dont know what a pipe bender is, and I know I dont have one! Thank you thank you..waiting for more info........and does vinegar really work to clear up some of those liddle holes that clog , or spray where they are not supposed to because of mineral build up? Might as well take care of that too. @Becky sue...What an interesting development! You asked about the height...well from the inside bottom of the tub to the hole is 67 inches..however, in spite of the space age look of this shower heard, the HEAD is actually ONLY 2 INCHES HIGHER!!!!! Just because it goes up and around doesn't mean it is 6 or 7 inches higher.I AM FLOORED! The original head just pointed straight down and was not tall enough to get under without bending. It would have been even shorter due to the actual head being lower than the hole! I am sure this one accommodates tall people because of the direction it is pointed at...mainly the wall! huh!!! 2 inches!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 02, 2012
    Ok looking at the photo again, I know it looks like it is more than 2 inches, but i measured from the first curve out to the head, 2-3 inches, but at a steep angle.
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on Jul 02, 2012
    Check out this shower arm .. reasonable price too! It looks like the added option of the diverter is a contributing factor here. With it having the holder, its pretty long. Since you are not using the holder for the hand held - maybe you could consider a shower arm diverter that does just that - google "shower arm diverter valve" Thereafter you could still swing the hand held over, or use a wall bracket to hold the hand held (should be able to easily find one that would stick on your fiberglass tub)
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 02, 2012
    Bernice, I have a yellow ceramic bathroom...better still, I have an olive one! House is 42 years old and the tile looks like it was installed yesterday. Am I going to have it changed out? Not NO but h...heck NO! As long as it is in perfect shape, I find that foolish. However, I did play into the colors. Actually painted the botttom half of the wall the color of the tile (had a piece that was removed when new cabinets went in and matched it). We put in bright white chair rail and a biege at top. With a new cabinet, modern knobs and light fixture, it is a lovely bathroom. Accent with white in shower curtain, towels, etc! I have no idea what to do about the shower! Good luck!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 02, 2012
    @Becky..19.95 did I read that right? ??? Looks handy and like it might work, is this unusual, or can i find it at local stores? @Jeannette, mine is fiberglass, surround tub, so it is staying right where it is until it actually croaks. Noone sees it except when it is being used for shower, I did get rid of the plastic yellow sink and yellow counter top. looks nice.
  • Cindy P Cindy P on Jul 02, 2012
    Jeannette, my shower is olive also. And I feel the same way. Why replace it when it still works fine.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 28, 2012
    Ok we went to a different "thing" and it works great. Whole new apparatus and arm , no more hitting the wall. Thanks!