Mushrooms Real and Big

Sherrie S
by Sherrie S
This mushroom grew on a tree stump that had been cut down years ago. It really is pretty but it lasted only about a week.
It is so pretty and very large and I wanted to preserve it on that stump but didn't know if that was possible so...... it is gone. But I did get the pic.
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  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Nov 16, 2014
    Ah, there are so many fleeting pleasures in the garden. Thank goodness for cameras!
  • Carole Carole on Nov 17, 2014
    So pretty. We get lots of toadstools in the garden after heavy rains. We also get those horrible stink toadstools. They look like little pink and black hands reaching up from the soil and boy oh boy they pong! Here is a photo of the little stinker in question! Anybody else get these in their garden?? This photo was taken from the internet when I googled on stink toadstool. When we get a lot of them after heavy and prolonged rainfall the garden pongs something awful!
    comment photo
    • See 2 previous
    • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Nov 19, 2014
      @Carole I suspect your hypothesis is correct.