my computer keys......

Bernice H
by Bernice H
Any ideas of how to put letters back on my computer keyboard keys? Some are totally worn off. I have only had this 1 1/2 years. My other keyboard I had for years and the letters did not wear off. And I need them, that's the kind of typist I am! Bad habit of looking at the keys. Thank yew!
  66 answers
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Oct 18, 2012
    LOL This cracked me up... sorry Bernice. I too look at my fingers sometimes. I would think maybe you could get those transfer letters that you can rub on and replace them that way. Any craft or office supply store should have them.
  • TaniaC TaniaC on Oct 18, 2012
    I will send you my old for one of those purses...LOL!...
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 18, 2012
    Still at it huh Tania? Luv ya! Keep it up, you know the squeaky wheel.....etc. Carroll, i am wondering if any type of paper or glued on letters will start getting edgy, or maybe i will wear them out too. Would paint be an option, or those stick on ones with fingernail polish on top to stop wear? I can't be the only one with this "problem". I know I know , the ocd's among us would say,' just learn to type correctly Bernice'...cringing here, but I would rather be on Hometalk than practicing typing correctly! :(
  • TaniaC TaniaC on Oct 18, 2012
    Bernice Did you know that you can buy nail polish that are detail tips ??? They use it when they paint those delicate little designs on your Toe nails and finger nails... That would stop the icky stickyness on your keys I feel that if you used stickers that you would have a problem later with them peeling off and then the sticky film will be left behind and you will have a bigger mess...Just sayin" YOU CAN THANK ME LATER!!! LOL
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Oct 18, 2012
    The letters I am talking about, are not paper or stickers. They are used for like drawings, they are flat to the touch and should not come off easily but they may wear over time because of how they are used. I think something like clear polish would seal it well. But you would have to be very careful, I would think just one drop of polish in the wrong spot would ruin the board. But why go to all this trouble/work Staples carries a keyboard for $9.99 at that..... price replace it. LOL
  • Lucy Myers Lucy Myers on Oct 19, 2012
    Look on ebay for a keyboard cover. I've kept one on my computer since I bought it and the keyboard underneath looks brand new and all the letters on the plastic are still dark even after 2.5 years.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Oct 19, 2012
    Bernice, you can buy full replacement sets, like this: Or you can use the opportunity to get creative and try to only type with the letters you can still read. As someone once said, "a synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other word."
  • Patsy W Patsy W on Oct 19, 2012
    Is this a real post? New Keyboards are less than $20 & I have never seen a keyboard with letters rubbed off!
  • 3po3 3po3 on Oct 19, 2012
    I have worn out letters on keyboards before - it took more than two years, but I have certainly done it, and seen it on other computers.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 19, 2012
    @Patsy W yup, this is the real deal! My r t l n m g, half of d ...yup! i know i know, learn how to type correctly Bernice and you wont have this problem! Check this out... I took a key boarding class, did ok, but after that i never got to use typing form manuscript or ciopy, just lazy ..and am still too laxy to use self control. i love spell check. Htalk doesnt have spell check! bummer! So see what happens even when i look at the keys? You go @ so yu ARE out there lurking......
  • 3po3 3po3 on Oct 19, 2012
    Yep, I'm still out there, in more ways than one. Also, I'm kind of intrigued by the letters that you wore out. I think E, T and A are the most used letters in the English language.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 19, 2012
    haha @ Well I am unusual! Dont use the 'average' keys i guess! Nice to hear from you! Have you gotten snow yet? Snoqualmie pass, our main exit out of this side of the state..expecting snow tonight!
  • 3po3 3po3 on Oct 19, 2012
    We actually haven't seen snow in our town, but there was snow down in Denver (about an hour south) a few weeks back.
  • Patsy W Patsy W on Oct 19, 2012
    Hey Bernice, I meant you no offense. I am a one finger typist myself! Wish you the best!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 20, 2012
    @Patsy W no problemo! I use all fingers, however I watch them all..but many times they dont do the walking where I want them to. I keep thinking...just get out your Mavis Bacon or whoever she is, and practice, but I would rather do this addiction! @ so when do you get snow?
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Oct 20, 2012
    I am a touch typist so I don't need letters, but you could try getting some black nail polish that should be readily available this time of the year and paint them back on. They may not be perfect, but the can be made reasonable. Unless keyboards have changed drastically, my only experience with changing a key was a disaster! I thought I could take the keys off and clean them really good and then put them back on! Wrong!!!!!! Sometimes it is just best to bite the bullet and buy a new one!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 20, 2012
    ok, but how about a little white paint? or white fingernail polish? Would that be durable enough?
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Oct 20, 2012
    They do have the white pens for fingernails. I bought one at Rite Aide for my daughter that might work. For me the first letter gone is "s". IMO I don't think it has too much to do with how often you use them, but the length of your fingernails for me my left hand nails are longer then my right. I am right handed and break them off more often. If you noticed all the keys you mentioned and you use your correct fingering when you type Bernice, the keys you are missing are all typed with index fingers except the 'd'. May be your fingernails. Just a theory.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Oct 20, 2012
    Bernice, I feel like I should be answering this question on that "Rambling Rosies" thread, but we almost always get snow by or on Halloween, so Old Man Winter has about 10 days to get his stuff together.
  • You know to make it easier to do the old hunt and peck method of typing. Simply put the letters on your fingernails. This way you will always use the right letter. If the numbers are worn off, painting the keys will not last at all. The keys come off quite easy. Perhaps you can find another damaged computer such as yours assuming your using a lap top and remove the keys and put them on yours. Better yet, I find using a lap top key board is somewhat difficult, Resting wrists on lap top and hitting the finger scroll thing all the time. I simply installed a full sized key board and stopped using the computer key board altogether.
  • Leida R Leida R on Oct 21, 2012
    Some times at Sam's Club, they sell those keyboard replacement letters/stickers that @ spoke about. I bought one for like $15.00 some time ago, and I truly love it. The one I picked is black background with white nice big letters/numbers that glows green in the dark.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 21, 2012
    @Woodbridge Environmental Bob...ok, I laughed at this "You know to make it easier to do the old hunt and peck method of typing. Simply put the letters on your fingernails. This way you will always use the right letter. ..." then I thought maybe he is serious. Are You ? Serious? And no, I dont have a laptop, I am a dinosaur in electronics. We still havent gotten our new tv up and running correctly. I don't know how and hubs is scared of it, so is procrastinating! @ ..just heard snow on old Snoqualmie pass, our gateway to Seattle and points west. I hope you dont get hit too hard. @Leida R hmmm if I was going to pay that much shouldn't I pay a little more and get a new keyboard> It just seems so foolish tho.I am also thinking it is my fingernails also, just paying attention now, I am not resting my palms down, so I am hitting the keys with nails. hmmm I try to keep them short for this very reason.
  • Leida R Leida R on Oct 21, 2012
    @Bernice H I would say that u sure have a point there. Hahaha!!!
  • Sharon B Sharon B on Oct 26, 2012
    @Bernice H oh boy, I think I can help someone, mayb this mark your keys I have the perfect answer for u..........get a tape gun, get the clear tape, black print and there u go.....perfect and will not come off girl.....hope this helps u, not sure if anyone gave u ideas but wanted to share anyways for next time if u had another idea.....or if your keys are black, get the white tape....haha, or they will not show...haha
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 26, 2012
    @Sharon B I appreciate your input...but what is a tapegun? and does it cost as much or as little as a new keyboard?
  • Sharon B Sharon B on Oct 26, 2012
    @Bernice H U probably can get a new keybrd for about $20 or less and a tape gun probably about the same......a tape gun is nice to have around for sure so u can label things, mayb I should have said label maker???? Use to call them tape guns....oops......u prob. coulb get one at Walmart cheaper than Office Max or one of those places and u print a letter and space and just keep printing then cut them apart and stick on top of the keys.......
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 01, 2012
    @Woodbridge Environmental Ok I am rereading this...and I got ANOTHER laugh out of the same comment.! How cool is that? 2 fer 1! @ You MUST have snow by now????? @Sharon B I havent done anything abut my problem yet, except @TaniaC@Carroll A and @Leida R cutting my fingernails. For all the time I spend on here, I could be brushing up my keyboard skills instead of ignoring them and playing around on here. Writing myself a get on this. Because when the light is low I cant see where I am on the keyboard. ha duh!
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Nov 01, 2012
    LOL So funny! You could get the Mavis Beacon teaches typing program. That is if you really wanted to work at it. They do teach you proper finger placement and such. I used one when I was going back to work and thought I had to take a typing test in a job interview. But like I said my finger placements are correct, my finger nails are long. So even if you typed correctly you will still wear off keys. It may also help with that typing in the dark problem Hahahhaha!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 01, 2012
    @Carroll A Tooooo funnnnnny! I HAVE MAVIS BEACON cd in my DESK DRAWER! I hear her every so often..Bernice ..Bernice... BERNICE!!! attention, take me OUt ! I thought I was hearing things, but now you say she is in there! haha
  • Get Dragon Dictate. I use that for my office computer, or did when I was to busy to type. It is a great program, takes a bit getting used to, and people wonder why your talking funny and loud some times, but if you like a challenge, it is a great program. You simply talk to the mic and the works type in all by themselves. Just do not hiccup while speaking or you may end up with some swear words instead.
  • Sharon B Sharon B on Nov 01, 2012
    u r so funny..................
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 01, 2012
    @Bernice, yes, we finally got some real snow last week, but it was all warm and nice again in time for trick or treating. My little dragon had a blast.
    comment photo
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 02, 2012
    @ ha! And what a cutie pie he is! Melt your heart! @Woodbridge Environmental ACtually bob, I have used the dragon voice when I went to the comm college when hubs was getting retrained. I was able to take classes also. That was so fun! If you could have seen about 6 of us in the computer lab talking , and then breaking up in howls because of some strange thing that was printed. The other students in the lab were irritated at us because we of course had to talk, and they were trying to work, but that wasnt our problem. What else can you do? But it was fun! My keyboard class went well, until after I got home and didnt use anything but email.And lost any technique I had.
  • TaniaC TaniaC on Nov 02, 2012
    @ Your wittle Dragon is adorable and it looks like he is Roaring up a storm?...:)
  • Ellen H Ellen H on Nov 02, 2012
    @Woodbridge Environmental I don't know how I missed this post but I am just now reading it - my cats are looking at me like I'm crazy, I'm laughing so hard.
  • TaniaC TaniaC on Nov 02, 2012
    @Bernice H and @Woodbridge Environmental Does that Dragon Thingy Program you were talkin bout work on Australian Accents...Just wondering???? LOL! My kids don't understand me half the time and I have to have Hubby do their spelling words for them with certain words <THEY JUST LOOK AT ME WHEN I SOUND OUT A WORD AND YELL DAAAAAD! WE NEED YOU> Little Buggas!.. so I was just wondering how a computer device robot thingy what eva it is will understand my Aussie lingo HA! ..:))))
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 02, 2012
    @TaniaC have to train it to your voice, whatever the accent..however it wont yell at your kids for you! That's one pleasure still yours.
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Nov 02, 2012
    @ So cute! @TaniaC Sound like a great way to get out of homework! I had some of the biggest battles with my daughter over homework. I would have loved any excuse to get someone else to take a turn at it! @Bernice H I can't believe you have Mavis and don't use it!!!!! Sooooo funny!
  • Sharon B Sharon B on Nov 02, 2012
    @ he is so cute and look at that laugh
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 02, 2012
    @Carroll A yuupp! I put her in the lowest drawer.....but I still hear this very faint voice, wait, is it with an Aussie accent? ( @TaniaC ?) Actually Carroll I dont really know how to use it well. It is different from the program we had in comm college. and I am impatient when it comes to instructions. I have to see it and do it to learn. And usually someone has to show me first.
  • TaniaC TaniaC on Nov 02, 2012
    Hahahahahahahaha! You are too Funny..:))))
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 02, 2012
    Thanks ladies. He had a lot of fun on Halloween.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 02, 2012
    He said "trick or treat," then roared, then said "thank you" at every door on Halloween. I was proud of him.
  • Leida R Leida R on Nov 03, 2012
    Oh @ how cute can a little one be??? HE IS ADORABLE!!!
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 03, 2012
    Thank you, @Leida.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Dec 14, 2012
    @ @Leida R @Carroll A @Tania @Patsy W @Jeanette S @Lucy Myers @Woodbridge Environmental @Ellen H I have solved the dilemma..or hubs solved it for me. He got me a new keyboard for anniversary along with an ipad. He was too embarrassed to use my old one , I had used a Sharpie white pen on the keys,NOT very classy looking! HOWEVER..the space bar clunks each time i use it. clunk clunk clunk clunk ...good gravy!
  • Leida R Leida R on Dec 14, 2012
    Thanks for the update @Bernice H, and I'm glad u now have a new one. ENJOY IT AS WELL AS UR IPAD!!!
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Dec 14, 2012
    Yay for hubby!!!!!! I have been thinking about getting an ipad, let me know how you like it. I am on the fence about it. I have a Kindle and a laptop so do I really need a tablet?
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Dec 14, 2012
    @Carroll A in my humble opinion, and realize this is not an informed opinion, i dont know what you can do on an ipad that you cant do on a laptop. I havent found an exclusive purpose yet, because you NEED to be in a wifi area unless you have books etc loaded on it that you want to read . But cant you read books on a laptop? Maybe someone else can answer better.I study on my ipad, and I can text which is hard to do on my little old cell phone, and i dont keep it going , it is a go phone.hmmm maybe we can hear from someone else?
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Dec 14, 2012
    @Bernice H That is why I have not gotten one yet, I think it would be just to play around on. I have wifi at my house and work in downtown (which has free wifi) so that would not be an issue. I have a Kindle so I don't read on my laptop but I could. I don't know I just keep seeing them and think it would be fun.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Dec 14, 2012
    Good to hear. You'll get used to the clunky space bar. I've had one of those keyboards, and it annoyed me for about a week, then I forgot about it.
  • TaniaC TaniaC on Dec 14, 2012
    Yay!!!!! @Bernice H That's Is So Awesome To here.... Enjoy your New Keyboard and Ipad..:)
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jan 07, 2013
    Steve G Leida R Carroll A Tania Patsy WJeanette SLucy Myers Woodbridge Environmental Ellen H Update on my keyboard....big ha ha on me. The new keyboard? The letter t is already coming off! I cut my fingernails too!
  • you need to get Dragon Dictate. Then you can type by talking. lol
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jan 08, 2013
    Actually I did use dragon when in retraining at comm college. We had a blast with it, but no use for it here! Funny stuff , cant depend on it tho, have to check EVERY word!
  • Leida R Leida R on Jan 08, 2013
    OH NOOOO!!! What r u doing to those things, @Bernice???
  • Ellen H Ellen H on Jan 08, 2013
    @Bernice H What kind of hand lotion are you using? I just don't understand. Reminds me of a story though - friend's MIL cleaned my friend's house and used something on the stove knobs that took the markings off - hi? low? med? Who knows?
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jan 08, 2013
    @Leida R @Ellen H I am not dooooing anything. I dont use hand lotion. I think the keyboards are just cheap, and the "paint" is not like it used to be! very frustrating for sure.New keyboard that clunks, and letters aleady chipping off. sheesh!
  • Leida R Leida R on Jan 08, 2013
    Well yes, @Bernice, it does seems as that QUALITY is a thing of the past as it is so difficult to get now a days.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Feb 05, 2013
    Update on keyboard, i just searched for keyboard letter problems, and I couldnt believe how many postings there are about it, I am NOT THE ONLY ONE who this is happening to..bunches of peeps out there experiencing this. No real solution to the prob either. There is a suggestion about ordering an old ...IBM model m ....keyboard on ebay. Evidently some time back keyboards were engraved with the letters, no more. Too costly on cheap boards! yup! @ @Leida R @Ellen H @Woodbridge Environmental @TaniaC @Carroll A And @Patsy W you said you have never seen letters worn off..these new ones are doing it all the time. I was surprised at the postings when i searched So....just an update, fyi!☺
  • Leida R Leida R on Feb 05, 2013
    OOOPS!!! :)
  • Ellen H Ellen H on Feb 05, 2013
    Who doesn't use hand lotion? I can't live without my lip gloss and my hand lotion.
  • TaniaC TaniaC on Feb 06, 2013
    Well Who would have thought....Well The Keyboard Marketers have to make money some how I guess LOL! ♥
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Feb 06, 2013
    yup, well I am not buying one every 6 weeks! So there! to them!
  • Tanya Peterson Felsheim Tanya Peterson Felsheim on May 13, 2013
    Yes these are made to last just long enough to make you feel its time to get a new one. I hate throw away items. I was just sitting her thinking how fun it would be to take all of the caps off and spray paint them (away from the computer of course) and the write in permanent pen the letters/symbols! Kind of an upcycle! OH and my letters wear off on every keyboard I have ever had in the last 10 years.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on May 14, 2013
    @Tanya Peterson Felsheim Yes, it is very frustrating. I have used the Sharpie paint pen, twice, came off both times. hubs just bought me a new keyboard, this one was 40 compared to the other at $10. We shall see. Also the tech said wired keyboards are going the way of the dinosaur, so this one is cordless and so is the mouse. There is so much stuff at the top of the board; I have no idea what those keys do. It is a Microsoft . We shall see. Supposedly from Office Depot I have 2 weeks, but I am going to raise the roof if in a reasonable time , (more than 2 weeks) the letters go the way of the others..