From Heaps of Shame to a New, Repurposed Craft Room... for FREE!

1 Week
Back in December when I was Christmas decorating, I had tripped one too many times over all the junk on the floor. It was then and there that I stated, "House, in January I'm comin' after you... with a PURGE vengeance!"
And I kept my promise. First up was focusing on a storage room downstairs. The plan was to turn it into a paint studio I couldn't WAIT to play in with loads of fun, repurposed storage.
Tall order? OOHHHH YEAAHHH. But a good challenge has never stopped me yet. :)
Do these pictures inspire you to go gut a room? Which one would you purge first?
Repurposed craft room on Funky Junk Interiors
This cute little set up is NOT my before, I'll tell you that! This was the result of many hard days of work in an effort to win my house back.

Ready for the before below? It's nasty...
BAM. Hurts the retinas, doesn't it? I hired my son to clean this room before Christmas, but with no where for this junk to go, he heaped it up good and high. Thanks, son! But wow... it's nasty down here. And that's when the junk hit the fan...
Can you hear the purge angels sing? I gutted the room, and gave it a gorgeous, fresh coat of bright white, so the no windowed space would be as light as possible.
Repurposed craft room on Funky Junk Interiors
And then I moved in. Lots of the stuff went to the end of my driveway to share with the neighbours (it's more fun watching giddy neighbours walk away with your stuff than it is to sell it!) and then moved in.
Repurposed paint storage in mason jars
Repurposed storage was the key. I utilized what was in my pile and made it work! Paint brushes were tucked into mason jars, stationed inside drawers so they can transfer to other rooms easily.
Mattress spring bulletin board for stencils
This mattress spring will be used to dry my cleaned up stencils.
Repurposed tape and pen station.
A place for everything... no idea what this red metal thing is, but I turned it into a tape holder regardless.
Old shutter toolbox for stencil storage
I have a line of 'old sign stencils', so the room is themed around my work. Here's a small start. The shutter toolbox files all the stencils, begging to be played with. I'm on my way, guys!

The Bingo sign is my stab at vintage game wall art.
Toolbox craft paint storage
I stored all my craft paint upside down so the colours could be seen better. Plus the toolbox helps me cart it around all at once!
Toolbox storage for craft and spray paint.
My fav part is all the storage that's tucked underneath the table. It is LOADED with repurposed ideas! Click the BLOG LINK BELOW to check it all out, along with more info on the old sign stencils for sale.

So, have I inspired you to go gut a room? :)
Donna at Funky Junk Interiors
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 50 comments
  • Katie Katie on Sep 20, 2018

    Wow--you're an inspiration. I especially loved your red thing tape holder. :-)

  • Evelyn Evelyn on Feb 25, 2019

    GOT to redo my sewing room,you have inspired me. I will be sure to take pics and send them in.



    • P Caswell P Caswell on Apr 08, 2020

      One of the things I did with my sewing room was to take the wooden spool holders they sell at Walmart and break off all the dowels because they are too short. I drilled out the holes and replaced them with longer dowels and now I can have my thread spool and the matching bobbin on the same stem. Sorry no before pictures but here is the after.

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