I need to create a few wooden shelves for my art shows.. any ideas ?

I need to use 1' x 8' solid shutter doors with 2 shelf heights with no taller than 6 feet for my art shows to display my hand crafts .. need a few ideas..thanks Tony
  10 answers
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Feb 23, 2015
    Excuse me, but what are stutter doors? I like the shelve in the picture. I think that would me an awesome display case.
    • Brimfield Starts Here Brimfield Starts Here on Feb 23, 2015
      @Liliana Wells Hi.. Liliana ..shutter doors are just what they are...they look like shutters on a house and they use them inside for closet doors...thank,,Tony
  • Danielle Sallada Danielle Sallada on Feb 23, 2015
    Can you possibly upload a photo of what you have to work with? I am assuming you meant shutter doors in your description.
    • Brimfield Starts Here Brimfield Starts Here on Feb 23, 2015
      @Danielle Sallada Danielle,, shutter doors are doors that are solid doors that they use inside of house closets..they look like shutters... thanks tony
  • Renee Seeling Renee Seeling on Feb 23, 2015
    Maybe they mean "shutter" doors....never heard of stutter doors either. I love the shelves in the photo too! Would look GREAT in any display in any shop....imo.
    • See 1 previous
    • Renee Seeling Renee Seeling on Feb 23, 2015
      @Brimfield Starts Here No...just the spelling you gave...sTutter doors. We know what shutter doors are, just the spelling had us confused. I would not go so far as to delete your question. Follow your H has a great idea in their photo! I should think something like that would work very nicely for you.
    • See 1 previous
    • Follow your H Follow your H on Feb 23, 2015
      @Brimfield Starts Here I took this to craft shows. The "X" backing comes off with a screw at each end and it closes up. The shelves slide in. So you have the two sides which are like ladders, the X portion and the shelves to cart back and forth.
  • Lydia Lydia on Feb 23, 2015
    @ Brimfield Starts Here, I made some shelves to display my shells from Panama. I used two DVD holders on each end of shelves. There is a picture of one on my pins.
  • Lydia Lydia on Feb 23, 2015
    @Brimfield Starts Here, here is a picture of my shelves using DVD holders.
    comment photo
    • Brimfield Starts Here Brimfield Starts Here on Feb 23, 2015
      @Lydia thanks Lydia... I will work around your shelf idea,,i need them light like yours..will use 3/8th thick ply shelf...thanks Tony
  • Kristy Williams Tillman Kristy Williams Tillman on Feb 23, 2015
    What about unfinished wood crates? If you stagger them, you get even more shelf shace
  • Dorothy Collett Dorothy Collett on Feb 23, 2015
    I learned from my experience of weekly craft market sales, unloading and unloading: shelves should be light, disassemble quickly into easy to handle bundles that fit in car along with lots of crafts. Favorite was a narrow ladder with wheels on one side to use as a dolly for the shelves and crates of crafts. Shelf units are packed on top or side for 1st unload, last to load. Keep em simple: let your crafts shine. Enjoy the visiting with everyone and make lots of sales at your art shows.
  • Sharonashley Sharonashley on Feb 24, 2015
    On Pinterest they used plastic gutters on the wall and then I saw drawers stacked on their side . Those shutters sound like great sides for shelves. Sometimes if they're louvered I've seen boards slid in a removed slat. Best of junkin' to you
  • Cgi2239020 Cgi2239020 on Sep 09, 2015
    You can use frames with chicken wire to hang and put shelves on make them so you can fold them,paint them or leave the hickey wire as is and paint the frames white. We did this for my husband's art work and then I used them to put my quilts,wall hangings,and teddybears,and my other items I made.