Asked on Jun 07, 2015

My house of many colors and what color to paint my front door?

Sheryll S
by Sheryll S
I have NO money, but was hoping to get some help on a few features of my house, some needs paint, others like the front door do not, but I still would like to know ..... after reading, viewing all the it best if I changed from my recently painted white door. Plus I would like to know if I should paint the trim on the fire place extension the dark green or keep it the pale yellow (which is a PIMA) because I can not for the life of me match the yellow and no money to paint the house!!!
  31 answers
  • Mary Testin Mary Testin on Jun 07, 2015
    The one thing that is really permanent is the red metal roof. Myself,I'd paint out the brick under the window to match the siding, paint the panel that has the address on it the same teal as the shutters and choose either the same teal or a dark raspberry for the door. You might try putting a trellis on the panel that is the address and grow some purple clematis or purple Morning Glories with Four O'Clocks just to add some interest.
    • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Jun 07, 2015
      @Mary Testin Thank you, I am right this moment planning to put some sees or transplant some of my Four O'Clock tubulars for as you said. Thank you so much.
  • MaryStLouis MaryStLouis on Jun 07, 2015
    Just one idea...paint just the front of your house a color you like and later, when you have more money, you can paint a side at a time. The way your house looks from the front you could easily get away with it. If that's just not possible, you could paint the door and the fireplace extension the color of your shutters. I like @Mary Testin's idea for the trellis. If you don't want to spend money on a trellis you can wrap wire around screws drilled into the wall and create a diamond pattern on the extension so that vines can be trained to climb up. That could be really cute.
  • Ginger Murphy Ginger Murphy on Jun 07, 2015
    I would think about painting the window trim and panes white to match the door and roof trim. Then paint the fireplace extension one shade darker than the yellow of the house and trim with the green of shutters. you could also use this yellow color to wash the brick with color giving a nice cohesive color scheme.
  • RustyDusty RustyDusty on Jun 07, 2015
    Hi, Sheryll. My best to you on your journey of creativity. You're smart to seek advice early in your project, gathering all the info you can! I would however, be careful to make certain your final choice is the one YOU feel good about making. Each time you arrive home, you'll see that choice reflected again and again, enhancing a place of your own! I like the old brick section beneath the window. How cool it would be to somehow do a matching effect on the fireplace front which is a prominent piece from the curb. Are you afraid of a bright colored door and matching furniture? You could even do a "mock-porch" by pouring and leveling several bags of pea-sized gravel from your local home improvement store, then placing a few chairs, a table and a few plants around. Looks like the "curved" area between the walkway and the yard would perhaps be ideal. Also, would you be able to post a photo reflecting the full width of the house? What you do with the section shown, would definitely be influenced by what the rest of the house is saying. Taking out overpowering older shrubs and replacing them with smaller-scaled easy maintenance shrubs would be an idea, too. All in time, as your budget allows. :o) Thanks for the input opportunity.
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Jun 08, 2015
    Hi Sheryll- your home is really cute with the red tin roof and the stovepipe! I think the front just needs a little TLC. If painting the entire house is not possible right now, then I would try to paint just the front, including the brick work under that window. Something creamy light or white all the way across.Sometimes you can luck out and get gallon buckets of "oops" paint at Home Depot or Lowes that cost only $5. It doesn't look like you would need that much to do the front. Then I would paint the front door red to match the roof to make it stand out-the shutters as well-they could be black. You also have that bump out (where your house numbers are) that could be a real feature area. If you added some architectural element (old fence or planking or trellis or even an old window frame) then cut out the garden in front of it. Add some colorful plantings, maybe a wagon or lawn element and some red mulch. I would also cut back that bush on the right, as that kind of hides that entire side of the house. Good luck!
    • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Jun 14, 2015
      @Sue@CountryDesignHome Thank you but no. I do not want to paint the brick or my shutters. Sorry, but a no go on those. And I just cut that Palm back and it grows that fast. Like two weeks before this day that I took the posted pictures. I wish I could transplant the huge, beautiful baby. But NO again.
  • Debbie Williams Debbie Williams on Jun 08, 2015
    i think you should paint the door red to match your red tin roof and maybe even the shutters
  • Kathryn Peltier Kathryn Peltier on Jun 08, 2015
    Yes, the fireplace bump-out should match the house, not be accentuated by the trim color. Pain the front door an orange to somewhat go with the roof and to draw the eye - this is what you want people to first see, and it is the farthest from the driveway. I would also paint the brick under the window the same color as the body of the house to simplify the facade. Long-term suggestions: I would remove the shutters, but if you keep them, paint the window surround (and the little bit of wall, OR move the shutters to the very edge of the window so no wall is seen) the shutter color so it reads as one element. Plant a tall vine or plant on the fireplace bumpout - perfect spot to add a tall element. Replace the front door with something simple and mid-century modern looking to better match the style of the house.
  • Mad1786769 Mad1786769 on Jun 08, 2015
    Hi Sheryll. I come from a city that loves widely coloured houses ( St John's Newfoundland, Canada) it looks from your photo that your house is yellow? Have a look at my crazy colours ! My house is one of the most photographed houses in my city. Cheers! Madonna
    comment photo
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    • Mad1786769 Mad1786769 on Jun 08, 2015
      @Sheryll S maybe be a little more don't have to get as wild as me lol! maybe a nice bright door?
  • Trudy Trudy on Jun 08, 2015
    Lots of good suggestions above. I agree that there are too many colors. I think you could pull the red from roof and stove pipe and paint your door and brick. Use the almost dry roller to add a LITTLE red to the brick area would make it more cohesive. Paint the bump out the same soft yellow of the house. You can scrape off a piece of the yellow and take it to Lowes, they will make you a match. I agree that an architectural "something" on bump out would be cool. It needs to be big, your flower pic is way too little; check your local recycle place. And cut back, not dig out, that big beautiful bush. Are those stained glass sidelights next to the bump out? If yes, it would be beautiful to hang strings of little white Christmas lights vertically inside in front of those windows and leave them on all the time to show case it. Not much is going to grow under the overhangs, could you add a layer of stone under there to keep weeds from growing and tidy it up? I think your house is cute! It just needs some love (time and elbow grease, not a bunch of $) PS the empty goose planter has to go.
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    • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Jun 08, 2015
      With needing to buy a new mower and fast, since I have to mow every week..... NOT one penny do I have for anything now.
  • Trudy Trudy on Jun 08, 2015
    Look for somebody who fixes them on the side. Aren't there retired old men down there that miss putzing around?
  • Lorraine Lorraine on Jun 08, 2015
    Drive around and look at other people homes that resemble yours, check out their colors and yard decor,take photos of all the ones you like. I'd get rid of the shutters,they don't fit the space, and clear out the grass close to the house maybe about a yard out,fill in with mulch,add some decorative grasses,daylilys,they don't require much bother. Trim the giant near your door. Check out Garage sales,stores like Ross...look for larger scale decorative items for an inexpensive piece for that pop out,.anda large pot,half barrel,or even aDIY planter using scrap wood/fencing for left side of door where the stool is. You don't have to get things that cost all at once,do a little at a time, save for some.
  • Gwen Barham Loftus Gwen Barham Loftus on Jun 08, 2015
    I have always heard that you home should have 3 colors and no more, no less. I agree with Katherine...paint the door to match your roof color. I would probably do the shutters the same color too. You also need to trim that large shrub back so that you can actually SEE the door and how you have your entry decorated. IMO, the yellow should be painted white or cream. The wooden part with your house numbers that the fire place?
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    • Gwen Barham Loftus Gwen Barham Loftus on Jun 08, 2015
      @Sheryll S I think your house is really cute too. I guess it just needs to 'pop' a bit. I have been doing updates on our house for 6 straight years. One project a year that I can pay off. Paint is affordable and the easiest thing to do. IF you have a paint 'chip' or something to take to the paint stores, they can match it perfectly to get that yellow you like. Same with metal roof...take a small piece in and they can mix paint for your front door EXACTLY the same color! Good Luck!
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Jun 08, 2015
    Actually so many houses down here are white, and as far as paint goes that is your cheapest color choice. I understand broke I am there myself, however, many townships and landfills actually give paint away here in Florida, check out the local landfill, they give it away in Daytona 5 gallons at a time I believe and of course what ever colors they have indoor and outdoor. I don't agree with losing the stutters, I think it is the Brick/wood/multi texture that is giving a mish/mosh feeling, also don't lose the grass, it is so tough to get a decent lawn here and sand spurs don't feel good on the feet. I would paint the shutters White, yup white like your door, I would also paint the brick white. and tidy the little lawn, and look on craigs list for free shrubs, people give them away everyday. 3 little shrubs under the window, Sharpen up your edges along the driveway and your chair with the flowers? take that and move it over to the bumped out area, if you are brave mount it on the wall for some height. Take the little hanging sign from below your numbers and put that below your mail box. I can't see what is beside your little green bench but it looks like a shrub, I would either trim that way back or get rid of it so you can set your bench back a little further, I know how precious shade is here . You have good items, you can create a real focal, to bring a little charm and that doesn't really cost much at all. You can do it!! and Welcome to your new home.
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Jun 08, 2015
    PS I LOVE THE RED ROOF and yellow red and white are wonderful together in a place that is more sunny than not.
  • Katie Katie on Jun 08, 2015
    if this was my house, I would paint the brick and that huge chimney a lighter shade of yellow (since you can't match it) which will make them recede a bit. Would paint the front door orange and add mulch or river rock around the edge of the house. It will keep the dust and dirt off the walls. Lots of potential there!! Best luck!
  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Jun 08, 2015
    It would cost nothing to cut back the large existing shrub which could open up your porch and give it more attention than the fireplace bump out. My first thought about the fireplace wall was to dig around and find some twine and nails and make a trellis on it. Moon flowers were my first thought because they grow so quickly and have lovely white flowers that would accent your fresh white front door. The "floating" brick work is what disturbs me the most. Is that pile of old fence boards over by the carport? If so, they could be used to build a panel to cover the brick work and extend it the entire length of that section of the house. The window and shutters would look like they belong where they are hung. Great idea from Lee to check at the landfill for leftover paint. At our landfill they dump similar colors together to fill a five gallon bucket. Voila! Custom color. Congratulations on your new home.
  • Eugenia Read Eugenia Read on Jun 08, 2015
    My suggestions: Take out the large existing shrub as the house is too one sided with it there. What's behind it - more porch area? Paint the fireplace extension a lighter yellow to blend. Also, paint the bricking a lighter yellow and do not display stuff on it in order to not bring attention to it. If that is a pile of fence boards by the carport, consider building a raised planter to place in front of the bricked area. Consider hanging some small plants on the fireplace extension after painting it. Cut and edge the lawn. Paint the door a nice shade of red to match roof. If it were my house, I would keep bricking, put in red lava rock for low maintenance and plant some shrubs. Best of luck with your project and please post once you have changes achieved. We'd love to see it.
  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Jun 09, 2015
    I like the planter suggestion. It would anchor the brick piece to the ground. It appears that there is another window behind the large plant. Cutting it back to expose the window would help to create balance. I still like the door white. Red fascia boards and some red accent pieces - table and chair - on the porch would be enough red. That sunflower basket would really pop on a red table. Of course with no money those things would have to wait.
  • Ginger Ginger on Jun 09, 2015
    I would take the best features on your house which is the red brick colored roof and the brick walls under windows in front and work with those. All colors should be with those 2 items. So I would either remove the shutters completely and store them somewhere or paint all the green trim to pick up a colors in your brick like a taupe. So I would pick a red color that blends with the roof for the front door which is supposed to welcome people. I like the brick. In the future if more money comes I would paint the rest of the house a light taupe that blends with the brick. Remove the undersized decor things in your yard and window sill which detracts from the house and makes it busier. Remove the large shrub. Remove the swan. If you keep the shutters I would paint them an espresso to match the windows. Less is more. It would be fun!
  • Angela M. Wood Angela M. Wood on Jun 09, 2015
    I agree, use the brick red, or perhaps a deep teal blue - and perhaps use chalk paint (easy to use, cheap, one coat) and try that!
  • Angela M. Wood Angela M. Wood on Jun 09, 2015
    PS - and do the shutters too if use a deep teal!!!!
  • DebLynn DebLynn on Jun 10, 2015
    I like the existing "Weathered" brick. Paint the wood fireplace wall and Front Door the same as the terra cotta roof. A terra cotta pot color or the same Green as the Shutters on the window. One quart of paint is probably all you'll need. Remove all the other decorations on the window sill and hanging items as they distract and don't enhance the entry way. Keep the plant! I LOVE GOING GREEN and it's the real deal.....BEAUTIFUL
  • Diana Lewis Diana Lewis on Jun 14, 2015
    Use a poppy color on the door, and give that huge bush a serious haircut. It takes away from the curb appeal in a big way.
  • Connie Breimayer Connie Breimayer on Jun 14, 2015
    I would chose a deeper shade of yellow that you like...find a few paint swatches at the store that you think will be close to the yellow on the house(pale,soft yellow) and see which of the darker yellows on the swatches you lie best. Find one with enough difference(at least two or three shades darker) to stand out. Use this on the fireplace area,the shutters and even the brick if you want to cover them.Or paint the shutters the color of the window trim. Then I like the idea of painting the door a deeper aqua or blue to make it stand out. I really like the little chair with the flowers on it! bring it out in front of the fireplace wall,where it can shine!
  • Lori T Lori T on Jul 30, 2015
    I don't know a but the door but I would get let rid of that fake rock under the front window.
  • Lori T Lori T on Jul 30, 2015
    It dates your house.
  • Suzanne Hunt Suzanne Hunt on Oct 07, 2016
    Go to a restore or shop yard sales for a solid wood front door. If you want glass buy an antique door with the top half all glass. Then look for a large outdoor front door light. At least 3 times larger than what you have now. Look for a large planter for the front porch. Get rid of the shutters, and hang a flower box the width of the windows. All of this can be accomplished inexpensively. If you want a color on your front door, match the terra-cotta color on your chimney.
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Oct 07, 2016
    Thank you Home talkers!
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Oct 07, 2016
    Thank you Home talkers!
  • Tova Pearl Tova Pearl on May 10, 2018

    such great ideas here!

  • Dannielle Dannielle on May 24, 2020

    a salmon color