Storage for post earrings

by Smp
I want to be organized with post earrings.
  13 answers
  • Cathy Cathy on Jun 18, 2015
    I have used plastic canvas that people use for needlepoint before. I have a little one that I used for travel. Works great.
  • Barbara Valenti Barbara Valenti on Jun 19, 2015
    I had a small plastic see thru box I use. I also have so many I even use a large note card, like an index card. Whatever you can come up with, I am sure it will work!
  • Barbara Barbara on Jun 19, 2015
    I use dollar store ice cube trays. One tray for gold, silver, black, etc. I an fortunate enough to have found a small dresser that doubles as a night stand. All my accessories are stored in the drawers. Scarves, bracelets and earing trays. This keeps out dust and keeps things within reach. I've even pulled out the whole drawer to lay on my bed to look over or straighten up my accessories each season.
  • Vickie McInteer Vickie McInteer on Jun 19, 2015
    cover a thin sheet of styrofoam with your favorite fabric, add soda pop tops to hang install earrings
  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Jun 19, 2015
    Maybe put pairs together on a large button and store them in a drawer in ice cube trays or egg cartons.
  • Barb Ban Barb Ban on Jun 19, 2015
    Daily pill dispensers are great and have covers so you are less likely to accidentally drop them if you are moving them.
  • Renep Renep on Jun 19, 2015
    If you have room by where you take them out - - a small corkboard in cute frame might be cute on the wall. Maybe a little tray under it ??
  • Deana Morrow-Allec Deana Morrow-Allec on Jun 19, 2015
    I have pretty ribbons hanging in my bedroom and push the posts in it to store and display too. Drape robbon for hook earrings.
  • Janet Bartee Janet Bartee on Jun 19, 2015
    i put screen in a lantern for my wire hoop earrings and used soft cork board in and old dresser frame for my post earring and necklaces
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  • Hazel Vargas Hazel Vargas on Jun 20, 2015
    Here's what I do for those hard-to-store jewelry. You know those styrofoam blocks that come with boxed furniture? Take one solid piece and cut it to size, glue wrap a nice cover (e.g. contact paper, fabric, anything). Then stick in those earrings. Voila. I also use this in the sewing room as a handy pin cushion.
  • Hazel Vargas Hazel Vargas on Jun 20, 2015
    You can also use duct tape to cover the styrofoam block. They come in various funky colors and patterns -- your dollar store may have them.
  • UpState UpState on Nov 17, 2015
    Many people choose the Styrofoam heads from wigs ! Always there. Stands up perfectly. Pretty portable. Can also display your favorite hat ! Guests love the creativity !
  • Pauline Pauline on Jan 05, 2016
    An embroidery hoop, some wider mesh screening (wide enough for the posts to go through without tearing) from a DIY store. Put the screening between the hoops to secure; tighten the hoops. Glue some ribbon around the outer hoop, make a hanging loop and place through the hoop screw. You can also use the plastic mesh for needlework but instead of putting it between the hoops, hot glue it to the top of the hoops and use wider ribbon to cover the hoop and the edge of the plastic. You can hang any of your earrings on either of these ideas.
    • See 1 previous
    • Pauline Pauline on Jan 08, 2016
      @Smp You're welcome. You can also adapt this same idea to a picture frame, just make sure you put something behind the frame so that it will stand out from the wall a bit.