I have an art deco bedroom vanity I want to repurpose.

I had painted it a light green color (it was called celery) but now I want to go with a blue toile theme. It's my absolute favorite. I want to paint the overall vanity a cream color then do the accents in a periwinkle blue. I also want to add an accent of fabric on the drawers. Any input would be appreciated
  26 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Apr 24, 2013
    I would paint some of the details in contrasting colors. This will make them stand out more, after all they are some of the best feature with this piece.
  • Tamara Tamara on Apr 24, 2013
    Strip it first to see what the wood below looks like. Then either refinish it or repaint it but not mint green. White with black and a bit of buttery yellow trim. A beveled mirror in the center and glass knobs. I have to say that it looks a bit fussy for Art Deco. I am inclined to say that it is not Deco.
  • Kathie Iverson Nitz Kathie Iverson Nitz on Apr 24, 2013
    i would strip all the old paint and put an antique blue wood staining kit on it
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Apr 24, 2013
    Paint it cream (maybe even a crackle finish?), and use a glaze over the details to bring them out without painting them. I would then add your blue accents on the lines around the top portion, and the straight lines outlining the mirror and down the edges of the front, and perhaps the raised areas on the feet. I found a great Art Nouveau piece done in similar colors (your vanity is more Art Nouveau than Art Deco, probably dating from 1890-1905). Would love to see it when it's done.
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  • Linda H Linda H on Apr 24, 2013
    I would paint the trim in the blue, blue knobs, and a small print with the green and blue in it to cover the top drawers.
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Apr 24, 2013
    I also noticed that on the piece I posted, they used just a touch of silver or gold (hard to tell) on parts of the raised areas.
  • Michelle M Michelle M on Apr 24, 2013
    Glazing it will bring out the carving detail. Plus it is easy!
  • Jayne Jayne on Apr 24, 2013
    I personally really like Leslie D's idea and the piece she attached to her answer. I also would use Tamara's idea of the glass knobs on it.
  • Donna C Donna C on Apr 24, 2013
    The blue would look nice but I don't think fabric accents on drawers would look right. Glass knobs would look good though along with a beveled mirror. I would as Leslie said to bring the raised details into focus and if going in the bathroom, though i don't think it should, a sink to fit on top. But it really looks too small for a bathroom unless it is used as a vanity.
  • Katherine Rusler-Davis Katherine Rusler-Davis on Apr 24, 2013
    I was thinking of it as a potting bench. Put hangers where the mirror was and hang tools on them. Then either plant in the drawers or use for storage. ues large surface as a place to re pot plants.
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Apr 24, 2013
    An antiqued mirror would look fabulous in this piece. I found instructions here on how to make a new mirror look antique. http://blog.modcloth.com/2011/12/01/making-history-how-to-antique-a-mirror/ . Can you tell I want this piece to work on myself by now? LOL
    • Cherie Cherie on Jan 26, 2015
      @Leslie D - I'm with you, Leslie!! I'd love to have it and paint it like the picture you posted! Beautiful! No potting table or outdoor use as it would ruin the piece. These were made to have a place of honor in a bedroom.
  • Karen Karen on Apr 24, 2013
    well I see a computer desk with a cork board center, an outdoor beverage set up attach a bucket for ice in the center where the indent is, one more potting table..
  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Apr 24, 2013
    you can actually find toile painting patterns and stencils online if you decide against fabric--or take fabric scan on computer-print out size you need trace onto piece or make your own stencil
  • Sandra Lankford Sandra Lankford on Apr 24, 2013
    it's a very nice piece. The cream and blue sound nice. It really needs something to make the details in it pop stand out
  • Lori H Lori H on Apr 24, 2013
    When I was in France, I saw a vanity that was similar to this one. It was completely covered in mirror mosaic pieces. I suggest using old cds, cutting them into small mosiac pieces and epoxy gluing them all over this. Maybe you could leave some of the intricate wood exposed and painted. You should use a real mirror where the mirror goes.
  • Michelle LePage Geuze Michelle LePage Geuze on Apr 24, 2013
    OMG...thank you all so much for your input. I am new to this and I didn't realize it was Art Nouveau. I love the vanity posted by Leslie D. I will be trying to do something similar to that. I forgot to mention I have the original mirror and wing mirrors that go with it. I also have some accent leaves that go with it too. I don't know why to this day I painted it that horrible green...poor vanity! I also might try the toile painting patterns suggested my Cynthia E. I would like to put just a few on the vanity. This vanity will stay in my bedroom. It is very similar to the vanities my sisters and I had when we were growing up. I will also upholster the bench or stool in blue toile when I find one I like that is the right height for me. I will most definitely be getting glass knobs for the drawers. I am very appreciative of everyone's input. and if you have any more ideas please let me know! Thank you.
    • Cherie Cherie on Jan 26, 2015
      @Michelle LePage Geuze You're on the right track, Michelle!!! This piece is beautiful and deserves a place of honor! Leslie's pictures were gorgeous, weren't they?
  • Karen B Karen B on Apr 24, 2013
    It's a beautiful piece. Wish it was mine.
  • Diane F Diane F on Apr 24, 2013
    check what the real wood looks like. IF it looks good then take it back to orgional wood. and polyuritane the wood once it is cleaned. This is a great peace and it should have several different types of wood involved in its constructions. Do the mirrow side partations move? if So it needs mirrow in the center and possibly in the 2 side partations. Good luck with what ever you decide to do.
  • Michelle LePage Geuze Michelle LePage Geuze on Apr 24, 2013
    Diane it does have several different shades of wood but I have my heart set on painting it. The wing mirrors do not move but they are very beautiful. Thank you Karen B. I got it from a antique furniture shop her in Georgia. I think I paid $135 for it. I didn't realize at the time just how good of a deal I got. Now I'm looking for the perfect bench or stool:)
  • Kathie taylor Kathie taylor on Apr 24, 2013
    Glad you are moving it into the bedroom as it is a vanity . I have had several like it over the years. I painted my last one cream and all the trim you are doing in blue, I did in antique gold, hmmmm, I wonder who I gave it to????? :(
  • JoyLynnCook JoyLynnCook on May 02, 2015
    Don't know how the fabric will hold up with potting soil and wear and tear of a work bench. Have you considered decoupaging seed packets on the drawer fronts and perhaps the work surface/dresser top? I love the idea of turning the mirror area into your tool organizer, very creative! Over all, a wonderful idea. Be sure to post some AFTER pics!
  • Shawn Dunham Shawn Dunham on Oct 01, 2015
    take it back to wood
  • Nancy Nancy on May 10, 2016
    I have been an antique dealer for many years and have seen several vanities in various conditions. In its original color and in pristine condition your vanity would be worth $400-$500. In its present state less than $100. Check out Pinterest and do a search on painted vanities before you decide how to proceed. Take your time, do your homework and if painted correctly, this vanity could be the envy of all your friends. Stripping this piece back to original wood is very time consuming. I have refinished several in my time. Various types of wood are difficult to match with just stain unless you know all the tricks of the trade. So if you love painted finishes, go for it. My suggestion would be a soft ivory finish with a soft silver rub on intricate detailing. Please don't paint it all one lifeless color. Be very thoughtful before you decide to put fabric on the drawer fronts. You mentioned that you are new at this. We all were once. Everything is a learning process. Take your time, be patient with YOURSELF and you will have a lovely vanity.
    • Michelle LePage Geuze Michelle LePage Geuze on May 10, 2016
      @Thank You Nancy I really appreciate your input. I should have left it alone...(duh). I eventually gave it to a friend to work with. Lesson learned I will leave the wood alone:)
  • Kathy Thomas Kathy Thomas on May 10, 2016
    That is a wonderful piece. I do hope someone takes it back to wood. It is a shame to paint old pieces like that.
  • Nancy Nancy on May 11, 2016
    I had hoped that you were going to surprise us all with beautiful results. Never be afraid to learn a new skill. I refinished many a fine mess in my day and twice just threw the pieces in the trash. My patience and hands just gave out. Back then, I almost killed myself from inhaling messy stripping chemicals. So I switched it up and my first attempt at PAINTING a bedroom set from the 1900's turned out rather well. My best friend's daughter fell in love with it so I gave it to her for a college graduation present. (She was moving into her first apartment). I found another bedroom set within a week and was happy with it for a few years until I sold it to another friend for her grandaughter's room. EASY come-easy go. Stripping or painting is a matter of personal preference. I caught hell from several antique dealers for painting that 1900s bedroom set. But guess what? That young girl married and her little daughter is now sleeping in that same PAINTED bed! Next time, go for it!
  • Cheryl Youngman Cheryl Youngman on Nov 06, 2016
    The new color combination you came up with sounds beautiful. If you can't use this piece in a bedroom or dressing room you might want to think about using it as a serving piece in your dining room.