'The Great Wall of........?" Help!

Greg von Seeger
by Greg von Seeger
Looking for ideas to 'spruce up' our entrance way wall. Could be made of metal, or wood and not too busy......simple and unique. Thanks....all you 'Creative Heads!' The first picture is the wall in question....the second picture is for reference of the surrounding area.
This is the wall needing creativity.
This is whats near the wall.
  20 answers
  • Sherry Fram Sherry Fram on Mar 19, 2016
    I would get a large wood or metal piece of art that does not stick out so that it isn't bumped into.
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    • Sherry Fram Sherry Fram on Mar 19, 2016
      @Greg von Seeger If you could find a large wooden or metal ceiling medallion from an architectural salvage place that would look awesome there!
  • Shari Shari on Mar 19, 2016
    Personally, I think things hanging on outside walls look a little out of place so I wouldn't do anything with the wall...at least not until I tried a few other things first. I would suggest making your door and door mat more interesting to draw the eye in. I would paint the door a shade of blue similar to the pot and chairs around the corner and I would find a pretty, colorful door mat or a small indoor/outdoor rug, repeating the blue color. Once your eyes have something bright and pretty to focus on, I don't think you are going to notice that wall so much, if at all. You could also replace the flush mounted ceiling light with a pretty dropped outdoor chandelier or lantern for added visual interest. I can't really get a sense on how wide the walkway to the door is, but if you have room without crowding the path to the door, you might put a long, painted bench with a throw pillow along that left wall (and another blue pot with flowers?). With the dark ceiling and no color, I imagine that alcove looks like a dark cave from the street so adding some bright and cheerful color(s) back there would certainly increase the curb appeal and divert your eyes to something other than the long, blank wall.
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    • Shari Shari on Mar 19, 2016
      @Greg von Seeger Doors and shutters definitely do not have to match. In fact, more often than not, people seem to chose a neutral color (black, white, brown etc.) on shutters and then use a pop of color on their exterior door(s)
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 19, 2016
    You can get an old window frame and create a picture using glass stones and beach glass from the dollar store. I would base your color on the exisiting decor then get a bright mat for in front of your door.
  • Nancy Gramm Nancy Gramm on Mar 19, 2016
    Bless your heart; you do have a dilemma, don't you? I agree with Shari that a wall hanging wouldn't look that great and that using something to draw the eye to the door would help. I can't tell how much room you have on either side of the door, though it doesn't look like it's more than six to eight inches. Matching outdoor lights would fit and would help. The one pictured is from Houzz (originally at Pottery barn, but no longer available) and I think it's gorgeous, though a bit costly ($169 each). Another thing I think would look tremendous, also costly, is staining the concrete. (Doncha love how I spend your money!) Good luck.
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    • Nancy Gramm Nancy Gramm on Mar 19, 2016
      @Greg von Seeger Wonderful idea, Greg. Hope you'll show pics once you've finished. We have stained concrete floors, and I especially like the way squares were routed squares into the concrete to make it look like large tiles. See attached pic. (We're in the midst of getting new carpet, which is why my dining table has squares of carpet under its feet. Makes it easy to get the table out of the way for moving furniture in and out.) We've had the house for 12 years and I still love the floor.
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  • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on Mar 19, 2016
    The siding is gorgeous! I like the idea of a piece of art, but consider a big canvas with paint. It will add color, not intrude into the walk, and be resistant to weather. I have a place on my house that is over my back patio, and also protected from rain. I plan on painting a Buddha cat for my space.
  • Mary Ker Mary Ker on Mar 19, 2016
    I can imagine painting the floor of the walkway so it looks like a vibrant oriental carpet. No one would ever even notice the walls.
  • Victoria Jechart Victoria Jechart on Mar 19, 2016
    Buy 2 matching old windows at Habitat For Hunanities Restore (or any recycling place), paint them the color of your front door, then spray the back of the glass with Mirror Spray, hang little wreaths in the centers...or put narrow little planter boxes below each window, planting with seasonal themed flowers or etc. The mirror affect will make your hall like entry look larger.
  • Mabeline Mabeline on Mar 19, 2016
    I would suggest a gallery wall of 3-5 old windows with the glass in them so you can still see the siding. Also, the door mat seem too small. Maybe, draw your eye to the door with a longer runner rug; bring in a little bit of your blue hues to the area either in the rug or window frames.
    • Greg von Seeger Greg von Seeger on Mar 19, 2016
      @Mabeline I like the longer rug idea. It never gets rain or snow there, so the options are greater. Thank you!
  • Bobbie Bobbie on Mar 19, 2016
    Painting the door a lighter color would be where I'd start then I think painting a faux carpet would update it beautifully without having to do anything to the wall. I would do a simple gray, white, black and aqua color scheme.
    • Greg von Seeger Greg von Seeger on Mar 19, 2016
      @Bobbie I'm thinking the door a brighter color (the existing blue) is a start. Thanks Bobbie!
  • Barbara Barbara on Mar 19, 2016
    I agree with Mabeline and a gallery wall of vintage windows to 'frame' the lovely siding - you could even hang a small window box on one to plant. I also agree that a long runner (weather proof) with the blue tones would draw the eye to your beautiful front door. I wouldn't consider painting the door, I love the color you have, nor would I replace your door mat, it's the perfect size for the door!
  • Red Red on Mar 19, 2016
    Paint the door RED then I would put some art on the walls, wrought iron or other...Ross is a good start. I would also maybe tile the area just in front of the door..like a 4x4 area.
  • Bobbie Littlefield Bobbie Littlefield on Mar 19, 2016
    LOVE the blues you have. How about side mounted fake hanging plants - attached to the walls (maybe in yellow or pink?) with the same black metal grating)- giving some door dimension and LIGHT. My next suggestion would be a large wood "trim" all around the door, painted the same color blue. I agree with a "runner" rug (not dark, completing a wood look) would help. Also, is that a transom above the door? If so, a stained glass insert that is back lit would really make the area "pop". I would use more of the same color blue and match the door front detail (or, clear glass back lit with mirror on the back of the back of the lit box - or a combination of both).
    • Greg von Seeger Greg von Seeger on Mar 19, 2016
      @Bobbie Littlefield Love your idea on the transom. Hadn't thought about enhancing that area. Thank you!
  • Marilyn Marilyn on Mar 19, 2016
    I would change to the same siding that is on the rest of the house. Change the color of the door and ceiling to a lighter color; possibly robins egg blue. Add a colorful runner that has some of the same color you use on the door. Change the light fixture to something larger, maybe a hanging square fixture. If you do these things I don't think you will need to hang anything on the wall.
  • Linda Johnson Linda Johnson on Mar 19, 2016
    I would lighten up the color on the ceiling and around the transom. You can buy metal wall art to add to the wall. (We have a moose on a large empty space on the outside of our home, where it's not wide enough to put up hangers with plants. (We tried that, but my husband is tall and bumped his head on the planters.)
  • Greg von Seeger Greg von Seeger on Mar 19, 2016
    What a great society of 'Creative People'! Thank you everyone for your thought provoking and inspiring ideas.
  • Cindi Cindi on Mar 19, 2016
    I like everyone's ideas. I think the ceiling needs to be a lighter color, and if you want to tie it in with the blues you have in front, a light blue would work well. I would also paint the door. I love someone's idea to use a stained glass panel on top, I'd use reds and blues, and give it a pop with a red or bright orange door. Then decorate the walls with metal art. I have a great (large) medallion I got at Ross for $29, something like that would look great on the short wall, and I also picked up a 2 pc scrolled metal gate, not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but something like that would look great on the longer wall, maybe hang some blue and red pots with plants on it (or whatever color you paint the door), to tie it all in. I'd also paint the shutters in front, blue, or whatever your main color scheme is for the ceiling. I also think tile by the door would really look great, you could use those spanish tiles, very colorful, or use them as a border, but some kind of tile would look better than cement. If you don't like that much color, just paint the ceiling blue, and around the door, and some kind of decorations for the walls. A tile area would make it more welcoming too.
  • Susan Susan on Mar 19, 2016
    You apparently have a home designed with a nod to Craftsman style. One thing early Craftsman had in common with Victorian design was the use of pale blue ceilings on porches, mimicing the sky. Not only would it brighten up that narrow space, but would be an authentic update.
  • Bobbie Littlefield Bobbie Littlefield on Mar 19, 2016
    If you build a shallow "box" painted black to match the door) with LED lighting (hidden) a mirror on the back and simple stained glass front (you can probably do it yourself) which matches the door, I think you will be pleased with the results. You may also want to tie it into a LED strip lighting around the door but under a "trim". Leaving those on all the time will make the door pop and provide safety while being inexpensive.
  • Opal Opal on Mar 19, 2016
    I am loving the blue and think you should bring that color with addl. colors to the door with a runner style rug in the same blue with a print, add pillows or a runner to the front in the same or coordinating print to tie it together. Paint just the door in a color from the rugs/pillows that will contrast or blue to match the iron work in the front. If you still want something on the wall, you could go with iron work to compliment/mimic the work on the front door; a more delicate design could be painted the same color as the door, something with mirrors or glass inserts would reflect light and make the space brighter and look larger (either purchased that way or glue glass beads or the like to a purchased work).
  • Moxie Moxie on Mar 20, 2016
    I like a vertical garden of shade living plants of sorts and a stenciled porch wpuld be fabulouse i also luv the lighter ceiling comment !