What products to use to stain/paint antique pine armoire chacoal green

by Lolly
  1 answer
  • Fauxgal Fauxgal on Sep 30, 2017

    You would be better off color-staining than using a paint.

    The tannins in the knots are resistant to paint (they will show through paints in a few weeks to months if you don't take serious precautions).

    IF you are insistent on using paint, then prime the whole thing in BIN from home depot (stay in direction of the grain), and then seal the knots about 5 times each, letting dry between coats.

    BIN is white pigmented shellac. It dries very quickly. So buy throw-a-way foam brushes for the BIN. Sand the piece lightly after the BIN is dry, just until you touch it and it is smooth. Wipe it off so the dust is gone. Then paint.