How to make fabric pumpkins?

Sharon Bolton
by Sharon Bolton
  6 answers
  • Kim Kim on Oct 20, 2017

    Go to top left corner and click on “Browse”

    Click on “crafts” in the drop down list

    type “fabric pumpkins” in the search bar

    Then a whole bunch of fabric pumpki projects show up!

    : )

  • Liz Toone Liz Toone on Oct 21, 2017

    Cut fabric half as wide as the length. For instance, if your fabric is 24 inches long, it should be 12 inches wide. with right sides together, sew a seam at the sides, then sew a gathering stitch at the top and bottom. Pull gathering stitch together firmly at the top and secure as tightly as possible. Turn fabric with nice side out, and stuff with Polyfil. Then gather the bottom and secure as tightly as possible. You may have to stuff the pumpkin a little more before securing. Then with embroidery thread and a very long needle princesses

  • Liz Toone Liz Toone on Oct 21, 2017

    (Continued - please ignore the last word above.) draw the embroidery thread in and out from top to bottom until you have made eight divisions in your pumpkin. An upholstery needle works well for this process.Glue A small fabric circle on to the bottom of the pumpkin to hide the stitches that have pulled the bottom of thepumpkin together. Decorate the top of the pumpkin as you like. You may use a twig, a rolled up piece of felt or burlap, or fabric to make the stem. You can cut leaf shapes out of felt and glue them to the top of your pumpkin. You can use purchased leaves or flowers to decorate the top. Have fun with it and make it your own design. Here is a photo of a set that I have made :

    comment photo
  • PJ Priestley PJ Priestley on Oct 21, 2017

    What ever color fabric you have get a large balloon, get starch from the laundry department of the local store and drip strips of the fabric in the starch, cover balloon in strips of fabric about 3 to 5 layers deep. Make sure before you untie or pop the balloon that your ball is dry. I use one of those balloons you can punch and has a place to tie a rubber band. Bigger is better here. Than as lazy as I am spray paint the whole thing orange, cut electrical tape in two and use it to make the pumpkin lines. Depending on the fabric you may actually be able to see light through the sides. Carefully cut out eyes, nose and a mouth. Or as my kid did this year just paint on said details.

    Use a battery operated light not a candle. Starch and cloth make a really good fire starter too. Keep this away from flames.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 21, 2017