Does anybody know how to strip paint off louvered doors?

by Anja
I have several bi-fold and sliding louvered closet doors. I don't think they used primer and the paint is old and flakes. I love to strip and repaint them and hopefully re-purpose them somehow.

  7 answers
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on May 05, 2018

    Gel stripper should cling adequately so that you can get it down into each louver with a paint brush. Do it over newspaper or cardboard outside or in an open protected area like a garage.

  • Ken Ken on May 05, 2018

    It's just like stripping paint from any other surface. The job will be more tedious than most because of the louvers, but it can be done. Citrus strippers are usually recommended because of the fumes given off by methylene chloride in traditional strippers. In my experience the citrus doesn't work as well, but it will get the job done.

  • Cindy Cindy on May 05, 2018

    Hi Anja, You can purchase paint stripper in your local home improvement store. They sell it for metal, wood, etc., so be sure to get the right one for your application. Follow instructions on the can. You may still have to sand the doors after paint is stripped off. Tedious work, but it can be done.

  • Debellen Debellen on May 05, 2018

    Why not just repaint? Unless you take it to a professional refinisher it would be too tedious. They would dip them in a tank of stripper.

    • Anja Anja on May 06, 2018

      I wish I could but it looks like there are already layers of oil and latex paint without the use primer. Paint is flaking off all over the doors.

  • William William on May 06, 2018

    Citristrip stripper. Red Scotch Brite pads, putty knife, small brass brush, rubber gloves, eye protection.

  • Debellen Debellen on May 06, 2018

    3M Safest Stripper is non-toxic, gel stripper that takes it off in minutes, use a putty knife to get the bulk and a green kitchen scrubber and water or maybe a toothbrush for the crevices to get the rest. It may take more than one coat if there are several coats of paint. That is the only one I use.

  • Eco-Strip Eco-Strip on Feb 26, 2020

    Is it lead paint before 1978? Watch that. How good is the wood? Chemicals will soak in and leach out later, popping the new paint off. goopy. Harsh, toxic chemical dipping louvers will damage the louver glue and they'll rack eventually. The right scraper blade to get under the louvers is key.