by Carmen

I live in Florida and replaced all my aluminum shutters that came with the house and would like some ideas on how to repurpose for outdoor projects. Maybe a shed roof? Or a bbq station roof?

  3 answers
  • Ted Rowland Ted Rowland on Aug 18, 2018

    You can purchase a product called "Super Paint" from Sherwin Williams, that is made for aluminum and vinyl, and paint them any color you want. With a few stainless steel small hinges, they make great dividers as back drops in gardens, or to sit in front of where electric meters are to hide them for better landscaping. They can be used as patio dividers, with intermittent Tiki torches.

  • Mogie Mogie on Aug 18, 2018

    Headboard for a bed, end table surround, cover for a dog house, cover over a child's sand box, nice trellis in the garden, a fence around a garden.

  • Kristin Gambaccini Kristin Gambaccini on Aug 23, 2018

    Possibly a greenhouse or she shed?