How can I keep my shells from mixing in the sand in my jars?

by Reginamakowski
When placing shells in a jar of sand, how do I keep them from mixing in the sand?
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 06, 2016
    I think that is the idea as when u shake the sand up the shells become visible. Is there something else in particular you are trying to do?
  • Steve Dikun Steve Dikun on May 06, 2016
    Put sand on bottom. It Will go there naturally.
  • Elaine Elaine on May 07, 2016
    I'm guessing you have tiny shells (?) I have a glass urn with sand on the bottom and medium/large shells on top and they always stay in place. I also sprinkle in some much smaller ones as well. Perhaps your jar get handled a lot by kids and visitors because I don't have a problem at all. What you could do is: (a) buy some larger shells (if your shells are tiny) and place them on the sand first then place the smaller ones on top so they are held stable by the larger ones ... and (b) remove about the first inch of sand then top with a layer of plastic food wrap - cut to fit the jar - then add the removed sand and top with your shells. If they start to sink (and they shouldn't) they are sinking no further than the hidden plastic film. Make sure you cut the wrap a bit smaller in diameter than the jar as you don't want it visible. I hope this helps.
  • DORLIS DORLIS on May 07, 2016
    Maybe glue them in place to the inside of the jar?
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 07, 2016
    Maybe you could layer sand and then top it off with your shells
  • Jake Elvis Jake Elvis on May 07, 2016
    Put saran wrap down and put the sand on top?
  • LadyJoker LadyJoker on May 09, 2016
    Use a piece of screen to put on top of the sand about 1/8 before you put your shells and then sprinkle more sand to cover the screen - shells will not go through screening