Can you stencil over Annie Sloan wax?

by PJO
I have painted a cedar chest with chalk paint and have waxed it. Can I now apply a stenciled decoration?
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 02, 2016
    As long as the wax is completely dry Yes. It is advisable however to re-pply the wax on the stencil.
  • Heather Heather on Mar 02, 2016
    As long as the wax has cured and is no longer "tacky" you can paint right over it. If you are worried about the thickness of the wax affecting the stencil, wipe Mineral Spirits over the top of the waxed piece, and after it has evaporated (doesnt take long) you can stencil. Hope that helps!
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Mar 03, 2016
    If it is super shiny, then I would take some steel wool and rough it up a bit. Then apply the stencil, then re-wax once it is fully dried.
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Mar 05, 2016
    Yep. Just make sure it's cured and your using chalk paint, then just rewax 😀
  • PJO PJO on Mar 05, 2016
    Great! Now I just have to find a stencil I like for this old cedar chest I painted. Thanks for your help.